Draw by our webmaster RAZ!:bow:
We can start according the rules below!
I request commitment so every player / country does his turns in time.
When a gamer can't continue, find yoursself a replacement!
We play 4 battles each!
Defenders do the setup!
Games start NLT October and have to be finished this year!
Fight for your country & have fun!
Scenario I: Allies attack on dynamic flag (CMAK Sept 1944)
Scenario II: Axis attack with exit zone (CMBB Sept 1942)
Each team fights 2 other teams and for each player 4 battles, for example team GBR 1:
Scenario I (CMAK)
GBR1 player A attacks vs USA 1 player A*
GBR1 player A* defense vs USA 1 player B
GBR1 player B attacks vs USA 1 player B*
GBR1 player B* defense vs USA player A
Scenario II (CMBB)
GBR1 player A attacks vs FRA player A*
GBR1 player A* defense vs FRA player B
GBR1 player B attacks vs FRA player B*
GBR1 player B* defense vs FRA player A
* = responsible for set up set up
Results as follows:
draw 1 point
minor victory 2 points
tact victory 3 points
major victory 4 points
total victory 5 points
CM Pre Olympic title is for that country team with most points!
Battles are also counted as QB for ladder purpose CMAK and CMBB 3000 points each.