(05-25-2010, 04:23 AM)GUNSLNGR Wrote: Cross - your chart is excellent, and will definately help with the range/penetration issue. Question: Why are the ranges on some weapons at ###?
If you see “###” in the spreadsheet, it’s just the way your PC is displaying the data. Try making the font a bit smaller, and you should see the numbers.
(05-26-2010, 01:17 AM)GUNSLNGR Wrote: I have laminated Cross' penetration chart and it now lays next to my gaming computer. I highly recommend it.
Oops…I just updated the weapons guide. I noticed that the designers changed the British 25Pdr (88mm) sabot in the last update. The 25Pdr sabot simulates the 25Pdrs AP solid round.
It went from PEN 10 Range 1200, to PEN 8 Range 3500.
Now it has less penetration at close range, but greater penetration at longer ranges.
This is a sensible change IMHO.
The second change I made, was to slightly adjust the Russian penetration results.
In my earlier weapons guide the Russian results were still from my penetration calculator, not the designers calculator; as I hadn’t got around to updating them. The difference is only 1cm on some of the results, but may as well go with the more accurate figures.
I'll attach the most recent guide to this post, in A4 and in Letter size.
Sorry about that Nick
(05-26-2010, 01:18 AM)Brahmin3 Wrote: Quote:The slope of the armour is already factored into the armour thickness.
...Or stated independently, if you take more advanced system of SPW@W.
WaW lists the Panther front hull as 80mm at 55deg. But then WaW calculates the thickness and angle during combat, to come up with a result of 140mm?
Neither WaW or SPWW2 calculate vertical angles; so I’m not sure there’s a difference, apart from how SPWW2 has already done the calculation for you?
But it is nice to see the actual armour thickness and angle in the WaW unit information screen.