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Bonus when assaulting with engineers ?
12-27-2009, 07:34 AM,
Bonus when assaulting with engineers ?
The manual is silent on this matter so I guess engineers do not provide any kind of advantage when assaulting, but can anybody confirm to me that assaulting a fortified hex (either a trench, bunker or pillbox) with engineer units in the mix DOES NOT give you a positive modifier ?

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12-27-2009, 09:02 AM,
RE: Bonus when assaulting with engineers ?
I am not aware of one, if you are really curious you could set up a test with similar units assaulting and defending in various positions, run the assaults with on map results off and see if the factors all match.

[Image: exercise.png]
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12-27-2009, 09:08 AM,
RE: Bonus when assaulting with engineers ?
Yes as far as i know engineers do not add any modifier to an assault on a fortified hex, the only way some engineers effect an assault is with their higher than normal assault values, the best example of this are the Sturm glider engineers in F40 who assault Fort Eben Emael with a value of 50, however if you check the assault values of engineers in other titles they are often higher than normal infantry. ;)

It is also worth pointing out that mine clearing and bridging engineers can have very low assault values for obvious reasons.
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12-27-2009, 09:20 AM,
RE: Bonus when assaulting with engineers ?
Yes indeed, some engineer units are very good in the assault -- just check their assault ratings. Other engineer units are only good for constructing bridges, and digging field fortifications. You just have to look at the unit ratings to tell which is which.
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12-27-2009, 12:32 PM,
RE: Bonus when assaulting with engineers ?
Generally to say engineers are second class infantry, what makes them also second class assualt troops. The exception is: Flame thrower unit (the same as Russian MP infantry in East Front II), sturmpionier, or some demolition vehicles (Goliath or Sdkfz 301), the last is especially useful when assualting fortified hex. (bunker or pillbox).
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12-28-2009, 12:10 AM,
RE: Bonus when assaulting with engineers ?
Volcano Man Wrote:Yes indeed, some engineer units are very good in the assault -- just check their assault ratings. Other engineer units are only good for constructing bridges, and digging field fortifications. You just have to look at the unit ratings to tell which is which.

This discussion prompted me to look more closely at engineers assault values (currently playing one of your new Korsun 44 scenarios :) ). I knew that some seemed to be higher but I've never paid serious attention. I now realize that some engineers have in fact an assault value 60% higher than regular units ! Does make sense to me considering the specialized equipment and better training they had access to...Just about time I notice this, could've have used engineers more efficiently in the past :rolleyes:

Thanks to all for this info !
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12-28-2009, 05:06 AM,
RE: Bonus when assaulting with engineers ?
> I now realize that some engineers have in fact an assault value 60% higher than regular units !

....and on the other side, some Eng units are as Volcano said, poor quality construction troops with little equipment. I recall one story where an German Eng attempting to bridge the Our River in Bulge was one uch unit that was using axesto cut trees t create a timber bridge. This unit is low quality and that impacts the percentage chance at bridging the river.

It is bridging and mine clearing that Engs special equipment comes into play ad in this respects some Engs hvae both capabilities, some have one or the othher and some have neither. Those with Neither can still be used to Ferry units over a HEXSIDE River. FULL HEX Rivers require a Eng unit that is assignd HAS BOATS if they areto ferry units. Also - ALL ENG can clear mines at a rate of one facter per turn regardless of their quality.

....anyway - that is a shoot from the hip snap shot of Eng and what they can do for you in addition to the enhanced assault ability when present.

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12-28-2009, 09:10 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-28-2009, 09:14 AM by alaric99x.)
RE: Bonus when assaulting with engineers ?
Glenn Saunders Wrote:> ALL ENG can clear mines at a rate of one facter per turn regardless of their quality.

Engineers must be designated as mine clearing types to clear mines. Some bridging engineers don't have this capability, they can only build bridges. So check carefully what type of engineers you have. Bridging engineers are useless for clearing mines and will even take losses if they step into a minefield.
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12-28-2009, 09:19 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-28-2009, 09:27 AM by alaric99x.)
RE: Bonus when assaulting with engineers ?
I should also add, just to make it clear, some bridging engineers can clear mines, some can't. Just check the unit for specific capabilities.
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12-29-2009, 01:37 AM,
RE: Bonus when assaulting with engineers ?
In almost 40 years of wargaming, I know of no other board or computer wargame which so clearly shows why engineers were/are so important, and why one can never have enough. Most games only focus on the assault engineers, which is really one of their less important aspects.
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