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What does the Blitz mean to you?
12-20-2009, 08:19 PM,
RE: What does the Blitz mean to you?
glint Wrote:What does the Blitz mean/meant to me? - I agree with you ******, one gives up bothering anymore but, perhaps the way forward is to push and push again to get these idiots put into their' places. I noticed the new thread about what the Blitz means to them and I'm tempted to re-post. I remember the early days when I started, it was fun and informative and you could meet and create friendships like we have, shame it gets ruined by a couple of fools activities. - beware the helpers, if you upset them later, all your games will be deleted !

Gday Peter

As someone who rarely posts at this forum after a long self imposed exile due to my disgust at treatment of a former member I would like to offer you some simple advice.

Remember blitz club is like an iceberg.
The MB is only tip and underneath that there is a fine club where majority of members enjoy gaming in best traditions of this club founding principles.

Enjoy the gaming and while I fully understand the frustration, just try and ignore bloated rhetoric and self grandiose chest thumping of a spiteful minority who are slaves to their sad deluded egos

cheers Laz
Alte Blitzer
244 games with legend that is Richie61
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12-20-2009, 08:23 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-20-2009, 08:26 PM by zap.)
RE: What does the Blitz mean to you?
Scud said
"Where else can a guy go from a mere nothing to a mere Assistant Ladder Commander in the blink of an eye. I enjoy the comraderie here, the gaming, even the moderating. Most of all, though, I'm enjoying my new ALC uniform. Red with purple striped leggings, gold leather boots, belt and matching commander's cap. I'm hoping it brings me as much respect here at the Blitz as it might with the lights turned down low here at the homefront "...but sweetheart... I'll wear the uniform~""

Yes, you are very lucky to have such a uniform. Women just love uniformed men! lol

The blitz has meant a whole new world of gaming for me. From playing the AI only. I have found an opportunity to sharpen my skills playing very accomplished players and I'll add that all I have played were fine gentlemen.
The commradery has been an added bonus. I've been honored to be on the battle field with you all. While on vacation I met one of the members. We had a nice meal and chat together.

The blitz has intoduced me to interaction with other like minded players. It has increased my pleasure of playing 100 fold.
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12-20-2009, 10:12 PM,
RE: What does the Blitz mean to you?
Thanks Laz for your advice.
I wholeheartedly agree with you matey; - there are many fine members that I have played with over a fair few years, much comeradery as Zap mentions and indeed, I have a fellow gamer that I eventually met up with, along with our partners and ended up with a good friendship.
Unfortunately, (should say fortunately, lol!) - I have transposed from a batchelor life to a domestic life now and time for wargaming has been reduced drastically. I restrict myself to a couple of ongoing games, usually large and so, during the wait for turns, I look at the MB, so in my circumstances the MB is a good place for me to see what changes there are/proposed to the game, etc.
As to ignoring the rhetoric, I find any out of order comments directed at me personally, extremely annoying when I am trying to just air some views, join a thread etc. Especially when most of us are 'virtual comrades' ? Face to face, as in real life, those comments may not be made, due to the threat of losing a few teeth, lol!
I do feel a lot of the ongoing unpleasantness that abounds could be cut down by the moderators by ensuring that, once a ban has been imposed for someone's behaviour, a requirement before their return should be a public apology on the MB first, then perhaps 'fighting radicals' would be appeased.
Just my opinion and in real life, obviously 'a few' will alwaysmake their' snide comments, ridicule others ideas, that's just them.
Anyway, other than that, yes the Blitz has given me a lot of fun and friends over the years and I do appreciate the efforts the guys behind the scenes make to try and continue the comaradery.
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12-20-2009, 11:45 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-20-2009, 11:47 PM by Dan Caviness.)
RE: What does the Blitz mean to you?
As one who may have done some damage in the past I'd like to reiterate what the Blitz means. Pretty simple actually.

The Blitz is how I've met Von Luck, Guderian, Von Tirpitz, Smedley, Chuck10mtn, Von Krieg, the Huib, KK, Reddog, Jason, Foul, the Hawk, Mwest, Roadrunner, kernel t, Larry Reese, and several others I'm probably missing at the moment but all of whom have become my friends or at the very least co-conspirators in this quest to enjoy, improve, and advance the game.

That's what it means.

Seperate the forums from the game and the gamers who play quietly, never wanting more than a good match. Hell, if I get a three word email from Smedley I figure he's probably been given methamphetamines...lol... What I get from Smed is a solid, enjoyable, tough game. That's communication as well. The right kind.

Don't discount the forums, as good stuff happens and good points are made. The negativity end of it sucks. I see the moderators have their hands on the reigns however, and I also appreciate Jim's forum here which is designed (IMnotsoHO) to remind us all of what it's about.

I'm going to call a couple people out now...to make some positive points.
Alfons and I didn't start out best buds. We talked about it however, mostly through pm's, and I am proud to call him a friend at this point. I may never make a map up to his expectations...lol...but I learned he has a keen desire to make the game better and is also a pretty excellent designer. I respect him and continue to be impressed by his work.

Didn't exactly start out shipmates with KK either. KK called me on a couple things, I got a bit tempremental about it. I thought things through, and he was right. He did it by via pm's, and we worked it out. Anyone catching the theme here? Do it in private.

Lastly...my own personal rules...which I unfortunately violate from time to time...by not being able to follow rule number two while in said rule number two condition...sigh...

1. Never post in anger. Give it a couple days.
2. Never post drunk...or if you do make sure your a happy drunk...
3. Don't let the FORUMS become the overiding element in the Blitz...it's the game we all care about...not the chest beaters.

So...this old silverback....having groomed himself for ticks....is climbing back up into his tree for awhile....where it turns out I have some buds hanging around...mostly waiting on turns from me!

It's nice to have friends...you can't reach those ticks waaaa-y in the back...


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12-20-2009, 11:47 PM,
RE: What does the Blitz mean to you?
The Blitz.........what a great place. I do remember the early days and the struggle to survive. I knew something was wrong but never knew exactly what and am thankful that all was worked out and we have become possibly one of the best wargame sites on the planet. Met some great people over the years and as Tiger 88 says..........Man this is one of my escapes from the real world.........

Don't give up on this club because I have found when things are darkest someone that is needed will step up to the plate...the right person at the right place at the right time.........thanks to all of you and a happy holiday season and New Year.

von Earlmann
"The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do."
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12-20-2009, 11:53 PM,
RE: What does the Blitz mean to you?
Dan Caviness Wrote:1. Never post in anger. Give it a couple days.
2. Never post drunk...or if you do make sure your a happy drunk...
3. Don't let the FORUMS become the overiding element in the Blitz...it's the game we all care about...not the chest beaters.



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12-21-2009, 01:19 PM,
RE: What does the Blitz mean to you?
The Blitz means a lot.

First the great friendships I've made over the years. A few folks I was lucky to meet in person but what is most amazing is that there are guys I've been playing for a while and even though 99% of our interaction is playing the game I feel I can consider them good friends.

Second is the benefit the Blitz brings up in that we can easily find opponents to play a hobby that is very important for us. I've been in the Navy for 17 years now and I bring that up to say that I'm surprised that in my 17 years I have yet to meet one Campaign Series player or find any that was interested in learning. I consider the Campaign Series one of the best deals in gaming around, especially with Matrix's version. Just pay the up front cost and there is a world of scenarios to play and many dedicated folks producing great scenarios and constantly laboring on updates.
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12-22-2009, 12:40 AM,
RE: What does the Blitz mean to you?
That's easy. Family.

Like any family, you may not necessarily be best buds with everyone in it, and you may even have spats with your virtual brothers from time to time. But you always come back, and you always have something in common with all its members.

So, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone in my family, especially to those here at the Blitz.

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12-22-2009, 02:27 AM,
RE: What does the Blitz mean to you?
I can not fully express how much I appreciate being a Blitz member.

I have spent countless hours playing one of the coolest games around with members from every corner of the Earth.

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet KKR in person. A visit I will always recall fondly. Cheers Rod!!!

I have cut back on the number of games but have appreciated the games & emails over the years with several special people....

Nemesis, Otlig, 1925frank, Desert rat, Jeepster, Junk2drive, Lestman, Osiris, Tablesalt, Tide1...

Special thanks to Ed (RR), Randy (RD), Jason, Joe (Coyote), & Huib (however it is pronounced) for all of the help & correspondence over the years.

Cheers friends!
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12-22-2009, 02:57 AM,
RE: What does the Blitz mean to you?
Man, I haven't heard Tablesalt in ages either. Is he still around here? So many regulars I've run into over the years and they all seem to come and go, just like me. Real life takes you away, but when you have the time, the CS community calls you back. Great set of folks, but like any group of humans, some won't get along all the time. But just like real life, you have just let those folks roll off your back. Ah well, I'm pontificating, and I didn't even wear my pointy hat today...


If you run, you'll only die tired.

One hand on the wheel, and one in the flame,
One foot on the gas, and one in the grave.
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