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Old dog...
11-24-2009, 12:56 AM,
c_Question Mark  Old dog...
A friend of mine has an ancient (13 years old) mixed breed dog that he wants to give away to a good home. I "babysat" her over the weekend & she did really well (no whining or accidents). When he came to get her yesterday he asked me if I'd like to take her permanently. I told him that I'd have to think about it. My concern is that he's had Sara (the dog) for 11 years & as far as she's concerned my friend is her family. I'm worried that if I take her in the shock of leaving him might kill her. He seems to think that she would readily adapt to her new living situation as she's known me practically since he got her & seems to really like me too. I guess what I'm asking is; does anyone have any experience with adopting an older dog?

.."A critical oversight that has led to yet another mouthful of poo." . Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe
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11-24-2009, 01:38 AM,
RE: Old dog...
I suspect she would adapt well enough, however I am curious at the situation. Not to be cynical, but 13 year old dogs are definitely in the twilight of their lives. Anyone who would be taking that dog in will be taking on the burden of the hardest part of pet ownership, the frailties of age, the bills that go with that, and ultimately the final goodbye. Your friend who has enjoyed that dog through the best years of it's life must be in pretty desperate straits to have to part with the dog now.
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11-24-2009, 03:41 PM,
RE: Old dog...
To tell the truth I'm starting to think that he's gotten tired of her now that she's old. He claims that now that he has a daughter he just doesn't have the time for her. I think that this is a load of :censored:. I had her for 2 days & she does not require a whole lot of time to be properly cared for (and I'm physically disabled myself). Apart from what I suspect is a little age-related arthritis she's very healthy and still very mobile. I think that I will tell my friend that I won't be adopting the dog, that I think that it's best that she stays with him.

Thanks for the advice...:)
.."A critical oversight that has led to yet another mouthful of poo." . Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe
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11-25-2009, 12:35 AM,
RE: Old dog...
I tend to think Sara would do fine in your home if you were interested in her. While I am sure she has her habits that she would greatly miss, she probably would enjoy the attention and affection you would give her. Based solely on the fact that her current owner is willing to give her up (and not knowing more about the situation than that), it seems likely that she isn't getting as much attention and affection from her owner these days as she had grown accustomed to in the past and she would probably respond very well to someone who would appreciate her with fresh eyes.

I agree with Steel God in that you should decide what works best for yourself. I know far too many people who think nothing of passing along their pets like commodities as soon as they no longer fit their owner's changing lifestyles. I might pose the scenario to you whether you'd be happy adopting Sara knowing your friend would get a puppy six months later. If so, then I think it would be better for both you and Sara for you to adopt her from him. If not, then it's probably best you didn't.

Best of luck in whatever you decide,
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11-25-2009, 03:53 AM,
RE: Old dog...
You say that you have been freinds with the dog from a early day's, so I would say that Sara must consider you as part of the family.

Just one point which Steel God rose is the possible Vet visits that you could be making and I can tell you they don't come cheap.

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11-25-2009, 05:37 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-25-2009, 05:37 AM by FLG.)
RE: Old dog...
That dog hasn't given thirteen loyal years to your friend and now she is at the end of her life, when all she needs is a quiet place to lie and the occasional walk, your freind is going to kick her out because he can't be bothered with her.

I'm sorry, but I don't have a very high opinion of your friend
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11-25-2009, 05:57 AM,
RE: Old dog...
FLG Wrote:I'm sorry, but I don't have a very high opinion of your friend
I agree, however we need a solution.

Would your friend be prepared to help you out with any vet bills you might have to pay if you took the dog on?? :chin:
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11-25-2009, 06:11 AM,
RE: Old dog...
I would guess not, it kind of sounds like he's trying to find a way to avoid those vet bills.
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11-25-2009, 06:13 AM,
RE: Old dog...
alaric99x Wrote:I would guess not, it kind of sounds like he's trying to find a way to avoid those vet bills.
I agree, but it worth a try? :(
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11-25-2009, 07:45 AM,
RE: Old dog...
Well, Darran, if you weren't spending all your time here being a super-moderator, you could have had a bright career in your nation's diplomatic corps, or maybe as a member of the clergy.....
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