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Main Event V: Owl vs. Der Kuenstler
09-11-2009, 02:12 AM,
RE: Main Event V - Keep out DK and Owl!
From some of the screenshots, it looks to be a slight victory for Der K. From my experience Owl might be one of the best blitz'ers out there. He moves fast and is able to quickly take advantage of an enemies mistake. Der K. might just be the best at doing the most with less as far as armor goes. His tanks always seem to be in great position and he can stalk through villiages with anyone out there. A great game for sure, but this map favoured Der K.'s style of play just slightly, and I think he will still be able to pull off a win. Other than that, these guys are as close to equals as you can get, it has been a good game, and a pleasure to read. Thanks to all for putting this together.cheers
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09-11-2009, 03:38 AM,
RE: Main Event V - Keep out DK and Owl!
Nicley done AAR. It was a joy to follow.
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09-11-2009, 08:23 AM,
RE: Main Event V - Keep out DK and Owl!
Final Turn!

Either owl spotted that sherman targeting that JdPz or it spotted it themselves but they lock onto the sherman.

[Image: turn-35-OWL.jpg]

It gets one shot away and immobilises it.

[Image: turn-35-OWL-2.jpg]

But it was already Gun damaged! After being immobilised the intact crew decides to get the hell out of there!

[Image: Turn-35-DK.jpg]

But the JdPz shows no mercy and gets a pen off and kills one of the crew

[Image: turn-35-dk-2.jpg]

And another shot, another kill

[Image: turn-35-DK-3.jpg]

And again!

[Image: turn-35-DK-4.jpg]

And one final shot finishes the job

[Image: turn-35-dk-5.jpg]

Only one of the crew got out, the rest were doomed to roast in their tin can crematorium

[Image: turn-35-dk-6.jpg]

Owl makes an advance for the flag with his infantry, but this is a foolish desperate command and the squad are quickly pinned down.

[Image: Turn-35-DK-7.jpg]

Owl is moving another JdPz down in support but it will not arrive in time to help out any

[Image: turn-35-OWL-3.jpg]
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09-11-2009, 08:28 AM,
RE: Main Event V - Keep out DK and Owl!
[Image: end-1.jpg]

And after all that, DK wins a minor victory! I think if owl had kept thos PzIVs alive and just held onto his flags he would have got at least a draw if not a min vic to him.

A fairly tame game TBH, I don't know if it was my map design or both players being overly cautious. If you notice none of the flags actually changed hands during the game.

Thanks to DK and Owl for playing this, it was entertaining none the less and I liked doing this as I could see the full battle, all the little details that it would be just too time consuming to post up here.

Also thanks to all those who have viewed this and especially to those of you who commented on this.
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09-11-2009, 09:50 AM,
RE: Main Event V
Thanks Joonny, It was a great read from start to finish, very informative.
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09-11-2009, 10:00 AM,
RE: Main Event V
Thanks wigwam.

There is a LOT that goes off in any CM match, especially one of this size and I'm sure I only managed to get about 25% of the total information across (it'd take forever to get 100%) and I was allways wondering If i was getting the relevant information across, glad to see people think I did :)

Thanks for the bonus points too :)
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09-11-2009, 01:00 PM,
RE: Main Event V
Great job calling the battle, Joonny!

After reading this whole thread I'll try to answer some questions about the battle from my side:

Q: Why use mortars on the treelines in the beginning?
A: Because I was 90% sure there had to be guns there - turns out I was wrong, but at least I ended up distrupting one of his platoons. After one turn of shelling and no apparent results I switched to targets I could see.

Q: Why not go for the flag at town center?
A: I wanted to surprise him but also because the US M1 halftrack's sides are totally flat, they tend to die easier from MG fire than the German 251/1s with their angled armor, and Owl got to start the scenario with some of his zone in town already, so I figured he would just sideshoot all of my halftracks if I tried to go in there.

Q: Why did you reverse your M10 into the sights of Owl's Stug?
A: I didn't know it was there at the time! I was going to follow the M1A1 halftrack around the woods if it made it without dying - but it didn't!

Q: Why Load up all of your halftracks at the mayor's house and then unload them?
A: Because I was planning to make a rush on the town - then I saw Owl moving some stugs towards there so I changed my mind.

Q: Why no big push on the right flank with all of your infantry advantage?
A: Because they would have had to cross a lot of open ground and Owl had at least four AFVs on overwatch and enough time to get several MG42s into the buildings in position. If I could have kept my Priest alive I would have blown the building down and then advanced the men through the smoke, but it didn't work out. I figured I'd have lost more men than the flag was worth.

LOOK AT POST #64 - this is one reason Owl is so dangerous - he rarely lets you face his guns 1:1 - he gets them lined up on you for a numerical advantage.

I would say the key to this win was that regular M10 of mine to the West - if that M10 had died, I would have had nothing to keep Owl's armor at bay over there. Keeping the M10 alive was imperative for me. That's why I smoked the hunting stug in post #56 instead of going toe to toe with it. I knew I had a bazooka team coming up behind it so I left it to the bazooka team - much less risky. It was very lucky for me the M10 lived and one of Owl's stugs bogged over there.

After I was able to destroy both stugs and Owl's whole flanking platoon to the West - I knew I had hurt him pretty bad. I knew he controlled 5 flags to my four, but that only represented 11% more flag points than I had. I knew I had taken out more vehicles than he did - so by continuing to snipe at him as opportunity arose I figured I could squeak a minor victory or at worst a draw.

By trying to rush my Southern flag at battle's end, Owl only made it worse for himself, as I had seen the increased activity and moved my armor over there.

I was very happy with just a minor victory against this guy and I tell you - I spent no little time fist pumping and shouting at my computer when I saw the result - lol. I took my wife out to eat fajitas at my favorite mexican restaurant to celebrate that night. Lord knows that dastardly Owl has beaten me his share of times in the past!

Again - great job calling the game Joonny!
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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09-11-2009, 03:20 PM,
RE: Main Event V
Der Kuenstler Wrote:I was very happy with just a minor victory against this guy and I tell you - I spent no little time fist pumping and shouting at my computer when I saw the result - lol. I took my wife out to eat fajitas at my favorite mexican restaurant to celebrate that night. Lord knows that dastardly Owl has beaten me his share of times in the past!

Lol on the dinner. ;)

Well done DK. Very impressive. I myself love the Main Events as the play by plays and all the experienced players insight is so useful.
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09-12-2009, 12:47 AM,
RE: Main Event V
Thanks to Owl and DK for this hard fighting.

Thank you Joonny for the great reading! I've really enjoyed it!

Thanks guys! :bow:
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09-13-2009, 09:13 PM, (This post was last modified: 09-13-2009, 09:15 PM by Joonny.)
RE: Main Event V
Just got this through from Owl

[Image: owl3-2.jpg]
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