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Main Event IV: M1A1 vs. Schwerpunkt
03-28-2009, 05:25 AM,
RE: Main Event IV
Lord Bane Wrote:LOL...you infantry lovers and your delusions of grandeur. The reason that M1A1 went tank heavy is because a tank force, properly handled, can pummel any infantry force. Obviously if you have a huge forest or thick fog, it is a different matter. I think the problem that many have is that they do not know how to best utilize their armor so they buy a lot of infantry.
There is an old saying in the Army about Tanks. It is long so I will paraphrase it. "One tank can do as much battlefield damage in 10 minutes as an infantry Company can do all day." Thats the facts.
Lord Bane
It might not be that they do not know how to use their armor, but more they do not know how to use infantry effectively so they buy too much. I will take a company of infantry any day over one tank.
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03-28-2009, 07:48 AM,
RE: Main Event IV
Seems that Marder is about to get destroyed. Interesting that MrX put it there alone, no ATG or other tanks to support it. I have very bad experiences with lone Marders but in concert with thick front panzers they are very effective.
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03-28-2009, 12:56 PM,
RE: Main Event IV
My thought is that I would not have done that either, but inorder for The Russians to get to it, they will have to move through the trees for quite a bit. If Mr. X can get this area stabilized with his infantry he should have enough AT killing power to make that move not worth it. If M1A1 continues too much further to his right and the flag, the the Marder and Pz IV's will get a bead on them. This could make the battle right here in the next few turns. My worry is that Marder backing off the map, I hope that Mr. X gets it to a little safer ground, he must know that M1 has seen where he is. He has an escape route now but it could close very easily.
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03-29-2009, 06:35 AM,
RE: Main Event IV
This is a shot from the German turn end showing the approx. front lines and somewhat of the location of the German and Russians groups. There has been a little sporatic gunfire but no serious damage done to either side, however, M1A1 seems to be moving along with little resistance. Mr. X seems content at the moment to let M1 show his cards before he moves his armor. M1 has settled down and moving much more cautiously now. The Marder has changed to a contact marker and still no sight of the Pz IV's. M1A1 is now shifting over to the A Front and has started to move up his armor there. Mr. X is quite aware of 90% of M1A1's armor force due to some area firing by the Russian tanks and some good LOS lanes by the German infantry. The German side has dropped a spotting round and half way through the next turn, the mission should start. Mr. X must remember that there is a strong cold wind, so smoke will not be an option.
[Image: ME8.png]
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03-31-2009, 04:18 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-31-2009, 04:51 AM by Ratzki.)
RE: Main Event IV
The German side with Mr. X at the helm feels that he has to stabilize his two fronts. With some very responsive artillery at hand the oders are given and both the 105mm and 81mm HE start to fall on M1A1's Russians. The 105mm seems to be slightly off target, but the 81mm near flag A is going to create some havoc if M1 cannot get his men out of the area.
[Image: ME9.png]
The 6 tube effectiveness of the 81mm battery be come readily apparent for M1A1 as it lands on target, right above a platoon of Russian infantry and scatters to take in the T-34s and another 1/2 of a second platoon. M1A1 halts his men, and with his tanks buttoned up does not move them for fear of the unidentified tank(Marder) a couple hundred metres away.
[Image: ME10.png]
M1A1 is firing almost nonstop with his tanks. Most of it area fire. The problem is that without an infantry screen, he has no real idea where Mr. X's men are and alot of the rounds fall harmlessly away from any German troops. The Russian infantry have done far more damage then have the Russian tanks. For the most part it seems like Mr. X is content to let M1A1 come to him. At the moment, M1 must comply, he does not have enough infantry to wait and let the Germans get the flags first, he has to get in there and defend like mad in order to pull off a solid victory. All this while still unaware of where Mr. X's armor is.
[Image: ME12.png]
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03-31-2009, 07:12 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-31-2009, 07:24 AM by Ratzki.)
RE: Main Event IV
Mr. X sends us some of his thoughts:
"I think he knows that danger lurks to his far left horizon... He has carefully positioned his tanks just out of site. I cannot figure out why he does not go for it and roll up my flank. You have to go with the odds on this one, IMO. I am going to use squads to snipe at his tanks. He knows they are there, so why not take a shot and try to kill a tank commander. He is a useless Kommisar anyway. I am taking a few casualties in two platoons (center and right) that are engaged, but I have plenty fresh. I intend to inflict casualties on his armor, but I have to be careful. In our private emails he is curious about my armor, so I have made him cautious. He will throw that to the wind soon though I am sure. Considering a bold move in the center, but I have a lot of time yet and do not want to be rash. The time may be near though. Moving infantry forward on the left to secure the far left flag and push a wedge along the left edge of the center flag. Situation well in hand. "

And a little note, Mr. X's record on the ladder falls a wee bit short of M1A1's overall. This is kind of a David vs Golioth event. Maybe M1 is feeling a little pressure, not sure though. I just went through the next couple turns, things are starting to heat up...
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03-31-2009, 02:44 PM,
RE: Main Event IV
A picture from M1A1 let's us know how he feels things are moving along. The yellow area fire line in the foreground is some 122mm HE that he has dialed in to meet Mr. X's German infantry. It looks as though he is going to keep up the sdvance and possibly have to deal with the 50mm ATG that I showed a few screen shots back. Note the bases are turned on in his picture and I have a hard time finding his infantry, Because he does not have alot. Will this come to haunt him later as the game unfolds?
The AI is also giving him a 65% win stat., but be aware that three of the large flags show German control during Mr. X's turns. I am guessing that the real score is much, much closer then both sides think.
I think that the fighting going on in the background will be where M1A1 either wins this game or loses it. He has to win big here, and role uo the German defenders on his way to taking some of the other flags. This is where most of M1's force is including 2x KV's and 3x T-34's as well as 2/3s of his infantry. On the flip side is Mr. X's weaker group, with only a Marder and a company of men.
Approaching 1/3 of the way through the match, and time starts to become a factor for both sides. I am putting together the next several screenshots now, with those we will all start to see things open up a bit on both sides, who will weather the storm?...
[Image: turn6.jpg]
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03-31-2009, 11:27 PM,
RE: Main Event IV
Mr. X's decision not to buy Crack Snipers will tell when he opens up with his 50mm ATG. Unless he can first button the tanks and then fire the ATG it might have a very short life. But if he can distract the Russian armor the ATG will make short work of the Russian tanks. I am not an advocate of lone guns or tanks - I like at least two to take out targets quickly before there can be a response - this worked well in the two games I am currently playing against M1A1. If I can afford it I really like Pakfronts - in a recent game agains POS I bought a Bersaglieri battalion that came with like eight 47mms and eight 20mms and this was enough to keep that period Brit armor neutralized. If Mr X is patient his 50mm ATG could kill all of those tanks. The worst thing Mr X can do it panic and engage the russian armor too soon and lose his own - he can win if he destroys the russian armor first.
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04-01-2009, 02:33 AM,
RE: Main Event IV
We had the troop quality set to medium so there was no chance to cherry pick Vet. or higher units. I think that Mr. X did not want to spend the points on chancing getting a green sniper, so he went with the 50mm route.
I agree, you should try to get a couple guns to work over enemy armor, Mr. X gambled a bit and I think maybe got it right when he predicted M1A1's initial plans to come up the centre and the one flank. M1A1 just mixed it up a bit and is using the smaller force in the middle, and the larger on the one flank. So far, M1 seems to be at odds what to do as he has yet to see the enemy armor force save for the lone Marder. He is playing much more cautious, then he might have normally. Both players have commented that all is going according to plans so we will have to see. It was looking like he would roll up the German defenders near flag A when he first encountered them, but I think he let the chance slip away and Mr. X has bought some time with the artillery and might be able to hold out here. M1A1 is going to have to get things rolloing over here soon or he will not get a chance to help out with the middle flags as I think that once the Germans get in there in numbers, nothing will be able to dig them out.
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04-01-2009, 03:01 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-01-2009, 03:20 AM by Ratzki.)
RE: Main Event IV
The six tubes of the 81mm mortar battery start to pay off and four Russian squads go BROKE and ROUTED. In the panic a couple of them take off doing the famous headless chicken dance where some German squads take pot shots at them untill by chance the Russians break contact. Mr. X has been a little lucky and BROKE one of M1A1's HQ squads in the attack. Now M1A1 has a tough decision, to hold up here for five or so minutes untill everyone comes bake on line or press on minus 75% of a platoon.
[Image: ME13.png]
Just a quick glance across the battlefield shows what the Russians are up against. M1A1 will have to bring his best to attain his objectives over here. There is still no sign of any German armor and most of the German force is just a contact marker at the moment. A daunting task, a little rooting for the Russians might help motivate them somewhat.Whip
[Image: ME14.png]
M1A1, presses forward with his armor slowly when a shot rings out. It is followed by another, then the source makes itself clear. The German 50mm has a bead on a Russian T-34. Another shot and the round bouces off the sloped frontal armor of the T-34, spalling shards of metal fly through the inside of the turret. The Russian armor locates its foe and starts to return fire. A third German 50mm round misses the mark. The T-34 is able to range the gun... the 50mm squeezes in one more shot before the end of the turn and scores a solid hit, but will it be enough?
[Image: ME15.png]
Mr. X gives us his thoughts:
"OK! Tricky move now. In the Center, my AT gun opened up. I have 6 tungsten rounds. 3 misses and one front turret penetration. Kill % is low, but with two more may kill/shock/disable gun... Now that is the first part. I am now moving up one Reg PzKwIV. Why? To engage the one remaining tank. The T-34 is taking hits from my PanzerAbwehrKanone 50. The second is trying to sneak through scattered trees to enter the open field on my left (which I control!). I am splitting a squad and am going to attempt to take him out with one grenade bundle. That leaves one of his three tanks still in position. I am not sure if I will be able to spot him, but I will engage his infantry with HE shells and lure him back out. That will force him into contact with my AT gun again! I still have half of my 105mm shells left to maintain a steel curtain between the flag and the bulk of his infantry. Intricate right? Maybe too much so... Situation on my right is still stable. I am about to drop some of that deadly German mortar fire on his far left infantry platoon. Between that and two HMG's (one is currently jammed) I should put the stopper on that side for a few more turns. HMG's and light mortars continue to suppress the majority of his support weapon fire! My infantry has the flag, will consolidate and expand the objective perimeter. Overall? I am happy with the situation. If I can take out a tank here and there, I will be in a good position to move all that beautiful Infantry Vorwahts! My tanks have yet to show their hand - especially that deadly 76,2mm Marder! Gruss!"
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