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What does it mean?
12-30-2008, 11:28 AM,
What does it mean?
What does it mean when I get a PBEM move back that always says, "file save exceeds two"?
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12-30-2008, 11:29 AM,
RE: What does it mean?
It means your opponent saved the game turn more than two times?

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12-30-2008, 11:45 AM,
RE: What does it mean?
MrRoadrunner Wrote:It means your opponent saved the game turn more than two times?


To see how many times the turn has been saved, look at the bottom of the Command Report at the beginning of your turn.

Jason Petho
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12-30-2008, 11:14 PM,
RE: What does it mean?
Is there any significance to that?
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12-30-2008, 11:35 PM,
RE: What does it mean?
Well, some people could save the game before they make a move, then they could reload it from that point if they don't like the outcome. This report is to discourage people from doing that.

It doesn't report the first two saves because for larger scenarios you may not be able to complete your turn in one sitting and may have to save once or twice to come back to the game later.

Of course, from time to time, it may be necessary to save a game turn more than twice (although I can't think why), but I would be suspicious of anyone who did that regularly. There has been much discussion on this from people who like to save a lot, I'm sure they'll be happy to append some excuses... errm... I mean, reasons, to this thread :)
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12-31-2008, 02:38 AM,
RE: What does it mean?
For what it's worth, I've been playing this game for years and against many opponents and have never thought anyone was cheating (although I have been in a situation where someone was suspicious of me and a teammate--fortunately just once). I've also seen a ton of accusations in the forums over the years, but I suspect there really wasn't any cheating going on, just lucky outcomes and superior tactics. Besides, the best way to handle cheating is to make it legal from time to time, the way we played "Cheaters Monopoly" when we were kids...or was I the only one? Take on an opponent (no ladder points -- exhibition only) and anything goes. Get it out of your system.
Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. --Walt Kelly
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12-31-2008, 06:07 AM,
RE: What does it mean?
I think the club's rule #14 covers it well:

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you CHEAT! The Blitz considers any "stunt/method" that goes beyond the spirit of the game to be cheating. You may only have one member account. Multiple member accounts on the same ladder are considered a form of cheating. You cannot replay moves, crack open games to see your opponent's side, etc. Of course, no reputable grognard would do such a thing. You are not authorized to replay turns, use hex editors, crack files, or any other nefarious means to gain victory. Earn your wins and losses like a person of integrity by playing fair. Should you be caught cheating, you are subject to expulsion from the Blitz!

To those who do not cheat:
Cheaters are a continuing problem in wargaming and face expulsion from the club when they are caught. If you suspect cheating DO NOT make open accusations. Also, DO NOT ignore suspected cheating, because others will fall victim to this individual. Quietly contact the Ladder Commander with your suspicions so that it can be handled officially behind the scenes. Tell the Ladder Commander why you suspect cheating, submit game files for inspection to the Ladder Commander with the password, and continue on like nothing happened.

Public accusations on message boards or via mass mailings will not be tolerated either. Such conduct makes you and the club look bad and will also be ground for being reprimanded. Again if you suspect cheating contact your Ladder Commander and have him deal with it. If you suspect someone is cheating say something to the Commander, the more people speak up the more likely it is that something will happen. Your Ladder Commanders will investigate all allegations of cheating to the best of their ability. The Blitz Club wants to ensure that cheaters do not prosper here.

Cheating is very rare. :smoke:
Concerning saving a game during a turn? That is purely subjective.
As was mentioned, multiple saves can make an eyebrow raise, but it does not indicate cheating.
I accept some of what Scud said. There have been very few suspected cheaters over my time as a member of this club. Most left on their own. A couple had their priviledges suspended.

Where my eyebrows go up with saves is when there are multiple saves during the play of a small scenario. :chin:
And, I would never encourage players to "cheat", even if the game was not counted toward ladder stats. :rolleyes:

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12-31-2008, 06:21 AM,
RE: What does it mean?
Rudolph Hucker Wrote:Of course, from time to time, it may be necessary to save a game turn more than twice (although I can't think why), but I would be suspicious of anyone who did that regularly. There has been much discussion on this from people who like to save a lot, I'm sure they'll be happy to append some excuses... errm... I mean, reasons, to this thread :)

I think the implications you make in the above are both snide and offensive. If you think compulsive savers , and people who save for reasons outside your experience, are cheats....please have the balls to say so.

Have a nice day!
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12-31-2008, 06:51 AM,
RE: What does it mean?
K K Rossokolski Wrote:I think the implications you make in the above are both snide and offensive. If you think compulsive savers , and people who save for reasons outside your experience, are cheats....please have the balls to say so.

Have a nice day!

I do have some years of experience, and believe I have just about seen everything. I accept that on some occasions there are valid reasons for saving - as I stated above.

I do believe, that people who regularly save the game a lot, especially on the smaller scenarios, are cheating - in one way or another - yes

That ballsy enough for you?
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12-31-2008, 06:53 AM,
RE: What does it mean?
uh oh.
Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. --Walt Kelly
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