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Splitting infantry
12-02-2008, 09:32 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-03-2008, 04:31 AM by Kelen.)
RE: Splitting infantry
cillmhor Wrote:Can someone confirm whether when you recombine a split squad, so they retain the morale loss, or do they revert to their original morale leve?

Thanks in advance.

Yes you can reform the squad and no, once they've reformed they do not retain the morale loss, (too pleased to see their buddies again!)

Soldier Wrote:When attacking armor with anti armor Inf carried weapons, such as panzerfaust, grenade bundle and or even a molotov cocktail. Split your squad again and hide the half with the AT weapon near a turn in the road or a narrow space between impassible terrain to armor, such as wood, etc.Place the other half squad fifty to hundred meters within the front arc of the enemy tank as it either turns the corner in the road, or to enter the pass between impassible terrain to it, etc.Do not hide this half of your squad, let it be seen and also fire on the commander if exposed. While the tank crews attention is on this half squad, your hidden half now within thirty meter range, now has plenty time to attack the enemy tank two or three times if need be..

Yes that's a good one. Also works if you're forced to attack stationary armour in the open. If your squad has 2 or more AT weapons, (e.g. Panzerfausts), when you split the squad these weapons are often evenly split too, so if you are forced to attack armour in the open split your squad and attack from opposite sides. Particularly effective against SP guns. Tend to find that 1 half of the squad gets mullered due to the increased chance of it becoming pinned, but the other half is frequently successful, (particularly if your opponent has been foolish enough to advance his armour with no close infantry support. This tactic is often sign of desparation, but when needs must...
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12-02-2008, 11:16 PM,
RE: Splitting infantry
Another good anti-rank reason for splitting Russian infantry, is that quite often you can leave the molotovs with one team and the other team has grenades only, so they have some kind of chance to kill tanks. The split doesn't always happen that way, but it can.
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12-02-2008, 11:54 PM,
RE: Splitting infantry
cillmhor Wrote:Another good anti-rank reason for splitting Russian infantry, is that quite often you can leave the molotovs with one team and the other team has grenades only, so they have some kind of chance to kill tanks. The split doesn't always happen that way, but it can.

An another and perhaps the most important reason for spliting them in this situation, is that in many casses the Inf gets cut dawn to the last man. Just before they are able to deploy their AT weapon, etc.

Either by their intended target or and another enemy unit units near by. So again, why risk the entire squad on something half of one can do.. :-)
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12-03-2008, 03:46 AM,
RE: Splitting infantry
A lot of good info here - moved to tactical section to preserve it....
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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12-03-2008, 04:57 AM,
RE: Splitting infantry
Yeah, thanks for moving us here! :-)

There is one more instance where splitting a squad is practically a must. And this is the last one that I can think off, etc.
That being the rare and not so often used, "Follow Vehicle" order.
Here an infantry squad is given an order to move out (unlike in hide and ambush) after an enemy vehicle, even if vehicle is on the move and attack it with it's AT weaponry. The enemy vehicle must be within a 50 meter range, for that order to take effect.
Point being, this is the one situation where your infantry will be exposed to the extreme.
So again, it is better to sacrifice a half squad vs a whole one.. :-)
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12-05-2008, 08:58 AM,
RE: Splitting infantry
You guys still talking about this one?

Well what a surprise, a whole passel of people I now know never to play...
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12-05-2008, 10:19 AM,
RE: Splitting infantry
Its a communication thing J, whilst taking on board what you're saying about half squads soaking up ammo, we're saying yes but in these instances half squads are making best use of resources and as such allowable and not "gamey".
As members of a club you have to understand that we need to come to a concencuss as to whats allowable within "best gaming practice".
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12-05-2008, 06:41 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-07-2008, 09:37 PM by Kelen.)
RE: Splitting infantry
JasonC Wrote:You guys still talking about this one?

Well what a surprise, a whole passel of people I now know never to play...

I really do not see what your issue is here.

CM is a 'Wargame', and as such often the best tactics to use are what was/are actually used in real life.

So far various people have stated their reasons for splitting squads and so far I have yet to see any of them which I would even remotely be termed as 'gamey'.

Splitting squads, (dispersing your troops), to minimise the effects of your opponents firepower is not gamey, but common sense. You'll be saying next that mounting your troops in APCs is also gamey, after all it has the same effect.

Want do you want your opponent to do, line all his squads up in close order and walk them towards the enemy across open ground making no use of any available cover, ala the early stages of WWI?

At the end of the day it's your choice who you play against, so if you choice not to play against anyone that uses such 'gamey' tactics then so be it.
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12-05-2008, 06:56 PM,
RE: Splitting infantry
JasonC Wrote:You guys still talking about this one?

Well what a surprise, a whole passel of people I now know never to play...

When I started this item, like I said I never did split infantry, but reading some of the benefit's of player's who do split it really does seem worth a go, so Jason you have got to move with the times mate and go for it.....You do seem very bias about the idea, I think you must have had some bad expeirance's mate.

cheers Ted
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12-05-2008, 07:43 PM,
RE: Splitting infantry
two reason I split squads.
A- spotting. I can keep an eye on more ground if I have more troops. mainly used when I think the enemy will go one path but worry he might try a gamey edge of the map maneuver.

B- tank hunter. Like others said splitting squads often gives you a "tank hunter" squad and a rifle/lmg squad for cover. it seems designed into the game and not at all a gamey abuse in my opinion.

Moral- nothing wrong with it but yeah it is annoying when the enemy attacks you with multiple split squad charges. but in real life you can see the same thing happening. ie 'you guys charge that way and we'll charge that way and hopefully he'll think you are the only attackers and ignore us as we run across the street'. It happens a lot in real combat I think. but a smart commander regroups his squad for coordinated firepower, something which the CM split squad attack makes difficult in the game as one squad is often shaken or such and the other isn't. thus they have to wait before they can merge again.

It would be nice if there is a merged squad combat bonus/split squad minus in fire power. but I don't know if there is...
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