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Who told you to move?
07-12-2008, 12:15 AM,
Who told you to move?
I was just doing a test game of the Allied side in a campaign game of France '40. I only moved some units, I wasn't actually playing, but when I tried to end the turn, some units moved on their own. Specifically, the entire Belgian 11th Inf Div changed formation to T-mode and moved away from the front. Also a variety of Belgian artillery changed formation and moved toward the front.

I've experienced this before when the Belgian 11th countermanded my directives to dig in and moved on their own.

Can somebody explain what's going on?
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07-12-2008, 03:19 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-12-2008, 03:21 AM by fastphil.)
RE: Who told you to move?
alaric99x Wrote:I was just doing a test game of the Allied side in a campaign game of France '40. I only moved some units, I wasn't actually playing, but when I tried to end the turn, some units moved on their own. Specifically, the entire Belgian 11th Inf Div changed formation to T-mode and moved away from the front. Also a variety of Belgian artillery changed formation and moved toward the front.

I've experienced this before when the Belgian 11th countermanded my directives to dig in and moved on their own.

Can somebody explain what's going on?

You did. You tried to use the old drad and drop moving your own units. When you do this you give orders to the AI to move units. When you end the turn the AI moves any units with MPs left in acordance with your orders to the AI. One of the menu choices lets you look at and delete orders to the AI. When you were moving units did you see any arrows pop up on the screen?:smoke:
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07-12-2008, 03:37 AM,
RE: Who told you to move?
So I (inadvertantly) turned on some command in one of the menus? Looks like it was another one of those problems in my "operator headspace."

I'm at a different computer now, but I'll check this as soon as I'm home again.

I always drag and drop to move units, there are always arrows when I do that.
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07-12-2008, 04:27 AM,
RE: Who told you to move?
Actually, I don't believe drag and dropping will set AI orders, although maybe I am wrong there. The typical way that will set AI orders is to ctrl-click on a location, which will set an ai order for the current formation to move everything to that place. As Fastphil stated, you can check for this through the AI menu.

When you drag and drop, the arrows you see are for each hex the unit moved into, the arrows Fastphil means are large ones that show each formation assigned to move to that spot - if a division gets an AI order, then all sub HQs get their own order to move there also.

In addition, if you have consistently seen this happen, it may be that there is something triggering an existing AI order, I have seen that before due to bridge blowing orders but as far as I know it was fixed a long time ago and not come back, but if you are not setting the orders but this is happening, please let me know the exact scenario you are playing and I will check it out and get with Glenn.

[Image: exercise.png]
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07-12-2008, 05:32 AM,
RE: Who told you to move?
I've only seen this happen in FR '40. It's probably what Fastphil said, I'm still not back at my home computer to check this out.

I'll let y'all know if I discover any further mysteries about this, meanwhile, thanks for all the useful tips. I obviously still have a few things I need to learn.
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07-12-2008, 08:38 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-12-2008, 08:39 AM by Volcano Man.)
RE: Who told you to move?
This is actually a common mistake and I do it all the time. I do this often when I am trying to do a group move, by selecting the hex of the unit and CTRL right clicking (or whatever it is) to move the chain of units along the road. If you accidentally have a unit in the hex highlighted / selected then it will give AI orders to the units which you will have to go to the AI menu and delete those orders or else they will move when you click to end the turn.
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07-12-2008, 03:03 PM,
RE: Who told you to move?
I agree with VM on this. The divisional movement he speaks of, (CTRL right click) does require one to not highlight the lead unit in the string.

Divisional movement is used a lot in F40, so this is the likely problem you experienced.

Dog Soldier
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
- Wyatt Earp
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07-12-2008, 03:09 PM,
RE: Who told you to move?
Actually it's Alt-right click. Ctrl right click will result in the unit firing.
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07-13-2008, 01:29 AM,
RE: Who told you to move?
Mesquite Wrote:Actually it's Alt-right click. Ctrl right click will result in the unit firing.

Right - and the fix is - from the meni A/I select the option "View/Delete A/I Orders"

Select any unwanted line and press the delete button.

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07-14-2008, 01:14 PM,
RE: Who told you to move?

Thank you for the correction.

Dog Soldier
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
- Wyatt Earp
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