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A trip down memory lane.....
07-09-2008, 09:58 PM,
A trip down memory lane.....
Just thought I'd share these with you from way back in the day... some screenshots of topics being discussed on the CM forum way back in 2001 and forward... hell I even found my very first post..!!!

What a history!!!

[Image: 2001.jpg]

[Image: 211.jpg]

[Image: 222.jpg]

[Image: 223.jpg]

[Image: 234.jpg]

[Image: sdfg.jpg]

[Image: sfgh.jpg]

Heres to the future.... cheers
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07-09-2008, 10:40 PM,
RE: A trip down memory lane.....
Hey I even get a mention !
Antoni ChmielowskigGames Played : WiTP-AE, TOAW3,Gary Grigsbys War in The East/ War In The West
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07-09-2008, 11:11 PM,
RE: A trip down memory lane.....
Nice touch there Bootie, that should make the people who doubt the strengh of our great CLUB, and see just how popular we are, may we go on for ever.

And any Boot camp people who read this make the move and get involved

cheers Ted
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07-09-2008, 11:11 PM,
RE: A trip down memory lane.....
Ah, 2001, I wasn't even on the internet then..:)
That's the year I just happened to be clicking through a PC magazine coverdisk and came across a demo of something called 'Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord', so I had a go at it thinking it'd be just another nothing-special wargame, but it completely blew my socks off and I've been hooked ever since..:)

Then CMBB came out in Oct 02 so I abandoned CMBO forever to train myself up with CMBB against the AI for a while, then signed up for the internet and began pbemming against people for fun and was amazed to find I was winning more than I was losing!

The next logical step would have been to join a ladder club but I kept chickening because I doubted I'd be any good against the mighty Ladder Gods themselves-
“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” - Edgar Allen Poe

But I eventually took the plunge and joined a club, and became a ladder god myself in mid-03 ha ha ha..:)
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07-09-2008, 11:37 PM,
RE: A trip down memory lane.....
Mind you, it wasn't all plain sailing at first when I joined a club, I had my successes and defeats in a 50-50 ratio, but generally I was pussy-footing around too much because I still held all laddermen in awe.
But then it began slowly dawning on me that these guys weren't so mighty as I'd thought, as I saw them make occasional slips and bloomers that left me thinking "why on earth did he do that and needlessly hurt himself for no reason?"
That was the turning point for me, because once I realised most ladder players are mere mortals -not gods- my selfconfidence skyrocketed and I no longer pussyfooted around like a timid beast being hunted; my attitude changed to "Be the hunter not the hunted", and it worked for me, I began winning more than losing and generally throwing my weight around to cow my opponents..;)
Heck not so long ago I recently issued an open challenge to the KG Clan and WaW, me against them in a special Challenge Tourney, but not a single manjack stepped up to the plate.
Right Reese?

"Right, listen,understand- POS the Terminator is out there. It can't be reasoned with, it can't be bargained with...it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear...and it absolutely will not stop. Ever. Until you are dead."
[Image: terminator2.jpg]
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07-10-2008, 12:18 AM,
RE: A trip down memory lane.....
LMAO... yeah we are all human and enjoy playing the game. Hell I still knock out the odd CMBO scenario. I first picked CMBO up at GAME, thought it was another RT game which I hated but found to my delight 'a game that needed brains to play' but didnt have a ridiculous learning curve. No more pointy clicking for me..!!

I pre-oredered both BB and AK.... and recently bought all 3 games again... just in case one day I cant find a copy.
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07-10-2008, 12:46 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-10-2008, 01:04 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: A trip down memory lane.....
Bootie Wrote:..I pre-oredered both BB and AK.... and recently bought all 3 games again... just in case one day I cant find a copy.

Yeah i've got a spare CMBB disk floating around as backup in case I ever need it years from now, but hopefully by then there'll be a new super-duper game around that's even better than CM..:)

At the moment BB is my favourite, then AK, but I abandoned BO years ago (no cover arcs for one thing).
As for CMSF, i've had it a year but it never grabbed me much so I shelved it for a while til all the patches came out and have just reinstalled it and patched it up and am dabbling with it to see if it grabs me now.
It's not bad but the tracer and missiles and stuff whizz around unrealistically too fast and arcadey, which puts me off a bit.
Also it doesn't have the clean crisp feel to it that BB/AK have.

As for other tac games, I tried 'PC:Winter Storm' and 'PC:Kharkov', they're okay but for me CM is still king because of the clean crisp feel.
Wint Storm and Kharkov have a cluttered feel which I don't like; it'd help if there was a 'trees off' toggle so you can see what's in there, but there wasn't the last time I looked.

PS- I recently installed Steel Panthers again, I absolutely lurved it about 10 years ago but now it does nothing at all for me because the system is so unrealistic, each unit moves individually unlike CM where you can move in proper waves etc..
So sadly I'm hitting the SP uninstall button..

Regarding operational/strategic level games, I'm trying to get into Civilization4, but am going bananas having to juggle all the figures to improve crop yield, mining production, population growth etc, gosh I hate maths and my finger is starting to slowly drift towards the 'uninstall' button..
I'm getting FlightSimX tomorrow, at least you only have to push/pull the throttle and waggle the joystick to play flight sims..:)
I also keep hearing how good 'War in the Pacific' is, so I might check that out too
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07-10-2008, 03:29 AM,
RE: A trip down memory lane.....
If I'd only known about all this in 2001!

I stumbled on to CM in 2005 while trying out CMBO, one of the games included in a 10 game "Discount Pack" found in a bin at a game store. The other 9 games were soon discarded but CMBO intrigued me. I then started reading MBs and finding game clubs, bought CMBB and CMAK. I think I joined Band of Brothers first but soon left them for the superior ladder and points system here.

POS - for strategic level Hearts of Iron 2 is my favorite so far.

But for me CMBB is King for tactical WWII - and CMAK is Queen...
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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07-10-2008, 04:42 AM,
RE: A trip down memory lane.....
Der Kuenstler Wrote:...for strategic level Hearts of Iron 2 is my favorite so far....

Sadly that's one that'll have to remain on my 'BWW' list mate, there are others on it too, all stuff I'd dearly lurv to play but unfortunately as soon as I try, my brain won't work (BWW) because they're a notch too complicated and I get a headache and have to switch off and go sulk..
Hey I'm getting Silent Hunter soon, I hear you can pbem it, it can't be too complicated just sailing around having fun shooting torpedoes at ships and switching your sonar on and off to hear the dramatic pinging sounds..
I might get the latest SWAT version too, I like bursting into hospitals to rescue hostages but end up killing everybody in sight including the hostages, doctors and nurses, its a bad habit I'm trying to break, but as Doctor house would say- "It's not your problem, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time"
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07-10-2008, 04:48 AM,
RE: A trip down memory lane.....
Hey Spike... you should just go online in death matches... that way everyone is a target... LOL

I agree with you DK regarding BB ad AK..... I would love to see someone take it to the next level.
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