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Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
03-23-2008, 07:30 PM,
Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
As this is my first DAR, I will try to keep it short and simple. All comments welcomed.

We decided to play a March 1943 (South) ME with 750 points each that would be imported with the map and 1250 points to spend as we like using the Redwolf Armour Rules for this time period. The 750+/- points each went to:
-Romanian Reinforced Recon Co. that includes 4x infantry platoons, 4x ZB37 HMGs, 2x ZB30 LMGs, 2x 60mm mortars, 1x 47mm ATGun
-4x Renault R-35 tanks

And on the Alllied side the 750+/- points went to:
-1x Brigade Rifle Co.
-1x Brigade Rifle Platoon
-2x DP LMGs
-4x Maxim MGs
-2x 50mm mortars
-1x 45mm ATGun

107thCav. took the Allied side which leaves me with some Germans to pick from. The troop quality is set to medium so at best I will wind up with is some sprinkling of Vet. and Green troops with the majority being Regular. I tend to lean a little to the infantry heavy side of the scale but with only 1250 points to spend and the thought of seeing T-34s in abundance, I am going to up-armour my force somewhat.
-1x Pz IV G platoon
-1x Marder II
-1x Pioneer platoon
-1x Jager platoon
-1x 81mm FO
-1x20mm Quad Flak Gun
-1x Tank Hunter team
-1x ATR team
-1x Truck
-1x Kubelwagen
-1x Green Sharpshooter(just not enough points for a Reg.)

I want to be able to move both guns with some speed, thus the lift purchases. The map has a fair number of light buildings on it so the pioneers will serve to blast away the enemy strongpoints in the town if needed. The map has 2100 points in flags so ignoring the flags is not an option. Yet, I do not think that all flags are able to be controlled by my side. So the plan is to get control of the easy flags and then wittle his forces down while I move in with my infantry and fight for the flags that can be taken. I'll leave the tough ones for my enemy, and hope that through a combination of flag control and casualties to work out a win.

The map as seen from my side:
[Image: Number1.png]
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03-24-2008, 08:22 AM,
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
My infantry is divided into three groups. The Jager platoon(A group) is with the 47mm ATG on the hill on my left.
The bulk of my infantry is in the centre(B group) and will advance up the creek bed using the lower elevation as cover. This centre group has my pioneers, two flamethrowers, and two platoons of Romanian infantry. They will be joined soon by half of the R-35s as support, once I figure out where his armour is.
The third group(C group) has the remaining two Romanain platoons, a flamethrower team and the rest of the R-35s to be used as needed. This will be my Flank protection of sorts as the hill on my right can conceal a good number of his forces, as well they will be advancing and securing one flag.
My Pz IV Gs and Marder are going to operate as one unit and deal with hunting down his armour exclusively.
The Plan:
[Image: picture2.png]
Group A:
[Image: picture5.png]
Group B:
[Image: picture4.png]
Group C and my armour:
[Image: Picture3.png]
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03-24-2008, 09:10 AM,
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
Well, the first turn starts off with a bang. (I play with the detailed armour hits off and I do not select enemy units so have to rely on what I see on the screen for information only.) A T-34 appears from nowhere and moves on the church, then a T-60 pulls up behind the T-34 using a small house as cover. My Marder opens up and scores a first shot hit at 780m, two of the Pz IVs join in and three more solid hits result in one less T-34. I see infantry advancing across the map and do not engage with my men as I want to keep everything low key at the moment. At the end of the turn, another T-34 shows up near the first two tanks and hides itself.
[Image: picture6.png]
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03-24-2008, 01:05 PM,
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
Turns 2 and 3 see mostly movement of infantry. I let my positioned ZB37 HMGs take shots at targets of oportunity, but try to keep everyone else quiet. The MGs seem to get some good results and stop his infantry as I see them go to ground and head for close cover. The T-60 that I saw earlier turns into a T-34 and as it tries to get position, 2 of my tanks and the Marder open up and score several hits, number 2 T-34 KO'd. I move my armour up the road towards the town, I am trying to keep control of the road as it splits the map in 2 pieces. Most of his troops are bunched up in various locations to avoid my MG fire, and I am going to have to get my FO into position to drop some HE on multiple locations. My Flak gun is a ways back, the only reason I bought it is that we had agreed that air support was in and we set the weather to clear, so I have to be ready for it. A couple more turns and I will move the gun to a better location.
Just about the time I start to feel real good about my position the one T-34 pops up and takes out one of my Pz IVs with 1 second left in the turn.
[Image: picture8.png]
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03-25-2008, 01:34 AM,
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
Ratzki Wrote:(I play with the detailed armour hits off and I do not select enemy units so have to rely on what I see on the screen for information only.)

iron man rules - impressive. i tried playing a game where you keep the map at view 1 and only use plus or minus to select infantry - but I just couldnt do it. definitely an interesting challenge though
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03-25-2008, 02:55 AM,
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
I also do not direct fire with units out of command, but all this is more a sign of my weirdness then anything else. :conf: Maybe this is why I only have a 60% win stat on the ladder.:chin:who would have thunk that?

The battle is going my way for the most part now, I still have some concerns but am feeling prettty good at the moment. I always try to split the map into smaller chunks and not to let enemy units travel from one chunk to the other without paying a price. The road seemed like a natural split for me which is one reason I placed my armour along it at startup and do not want to abandon it now. Most of his forces are now confined to a chunk of map that has one flag on it. and if I can contain them there then no harm done as I will be able to outnumber him throughout the rest of the map.
The most important being the centre flags where group B is heading. I am moving up 1 R-35 for infantry support to the church, if he chooses to engage me with the T-34 I will move my Pz's to take it out from the side. I am a couple turns away from dropping some 81mm HE around the church, will wait to see what I flush out of the area. I know it will not disturb the church occupants too much but he has kept most of his men out of the building and in the scattered trees and the cemetary at the moment.
I have the armoured car in my sights now, but can't stop to get a stationary shot at it as the T-34 may be able to hit me at this location, I have been watching it's turret start to swing towards the R-35 a couple times during this movement.
A couple of my Pz's are hitting some light buildings with enemy troops in them to keep him on his toes.
Group C is going to hide away in the trees and force him to come to me and then have to face my armour if he wants the flag. I have a sharpshooter away from the action here but he is able to see all that is going on behiind the hill. He is green so I am not going to have him snipe any commanders, plus they are only T-60s so not to concerned about a tank battle between them and my armour.
So overall, I am in a bit of a holding pattern for a couple turns trying to egg on some action with his T-34 and T-60s.
[Image: picture9.png]
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03-26-2008, 05:59 AM,
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
While I am waiting on the next movie turn from 107th, I will ask for opinions as to what YOU would do in each of the three Groups that I have identified. Let's start with Group C. Group C has two Romanain infantry platoons, a flamethrower team and 2x R-35s.
The first shot is the 1st infantry platoon that at the moment has a large flag in it's control I am looking at 2x Russian infantry platoons comming straight at them over the hill(the green line shows the hill's crest). The blue line is about where my Pz's can fire to from their present position, if I move them forward I will probably be in LOS of his 1x T-34 that I can see. The 2x T-60s are also heading straight for my position and are almost in LOS of my infantry. The T-60 on the right is vearing off and will be behind the hill's crestline soon. The one enemy infantry platoon on the left could maybe join the battle but it would take a couple turns and would potentially be in LOS of my armour and the second infantry platoon in this group.(picture 2)

[Image: whatnow1.png]

This shot gives more of an overview of the same scen with the location of my second infantry platoon as well as most of my armour. You can now see another enemy infantry platoon on the extreme left in yellow and his T-34. I hav highlighted my best Pz's LOS towards this T-34, he could do some fancy manouvering to the right and maybe get away with it, but any move to the left would not be good for him. I do have a tank hunter team here and one more HMG moving into position. This platoon will have the same LOS in supporting the other platoon in the previous picture. I have 1x R-35 tank that is just off the screen but has no LOS at the moment.
[Image: whatnow2.png]

As can be seen, there is not much hard cover and only a little soft cover to be had. I have already issued my orders and sent the file but would like to know what all the experts have to say. I will do the same for Groups B and A if there is any interest in me doing so. Remember, the Romanian infantry have no anti-tank weapons to speak of.
So, ... what would you do?
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03-26-2008, 03:54 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-26-2008, 03:55 PM by Colonel Talvela.)
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
Hard to give ideas without seeing the whole map but ...

What you dont want to do is engage 1 platoon of inf vs two platoons - that will be a losing battle and that is what I see in the first pic. I would put those guys on cover arcs. Make three of the squads have very short cover arcs, and 1 that will open up as soon as his troops advance into soft cover. that would be ideal, but I dont know if that will be possible because it looks like he has pretty good cover through scattered trees to the flags.

If the cover is not where you can stop him from entering the scattered trees with the flag, I would pull your inf platoon back and to the right to the back edge of the scattered trees. Let him come into the LOS of your armor before he routes your inf.

It also looks like your 2nd platoon is in a good position to provide flanking fire as he approaches. I think I would move your HMG into that spot and try getting your 2nd platoon in a good position to counter-attack after he has advanced.
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03-26-2008, 05:21 PM,
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
Yes, I know that it is a tough thing to do without looking at and being able to scroll around the real map, but thanks for giving it a try. I figured there could be a few new players that might gain some tactical tidbit from a little discussion.

Colonel Talvela Wrote:Hard to give ideas without seeing the whole map but ...

What you dont want to do is engage 1 platoon of inf vs two platoons - that will be a losing battle and that is what I see in the first pic. I would put those guys on cover arcs. Make three of the squads have very short cover arcs, and 1 that will open up as soon as his troops advance into soft cover. that would be ideal, but I dont know if that will be possible because it looks like he has pretty good cover through scattered trees to the flags.

You have brought up some good points, I did not want to engage with the two squads that are firing right now, just that he came out of the woods all at once at the end of my move and my guys did not have arcs on them yet. Once you engage with an enemy it becomes very hard to disengage without it going very badly, and right now I have about 30 seconds into the next turn before he will outnumber my platoon badly and in safety from my Pz's covering fire. I am pretty sure he has LOS with one of his T-60s.
I like the covered arcs, but the dilemma is he knows where I am and we are pretty much on the same elevation so I will always be facing a numbers game not in my favour. On top of that I am in scattered trees, and the clump of trees that I am in is not very large and though moving my men as you say looks very appealing, I don't like to get too crowded together with my squads.
Yes, he has very good cover to the flags.
Colonel Talvela Wrote:If the cover is not where you can stop him from entering the scattered trees with the flag, I would pull your inf platoon back and to the right to the back edge of the scattered trees. Let him come into the LOS of your armor before he routes your inf.
I can't stop him but he will have to regroup and go around my zone of LOS, which buys me some time. I am banking on him getting real friendly with the LOS button and realizing that crossing any openground or taking shortcuts to my men would be bad for him. I am with you, I gotta get to the back of the tree cover in good order and out of LOS to as many enemy as I can and let him come.
Colonel Talvela Wrote:It also looks like your 2nd platoon is in a good position to provide flanking fire as he approaches. I think I would move your HMG into that spot and try getting your 2nd platoon in a good position to counter-attack after he has advanced.
Counterattack,... I like it! As often as I try, sometimes these little electronic soldiers of mine get to thinking they know what's best, and the bad situation gets a whole lot worse, very quickly. It does not stop me from trying though, and when you can pull it off it is great. If I can make him pay for the ground that he takes, I am in position to try to retake it. 2x HMGs, a fesh platoon, any part of the first platoon still able to fight, a Pz or two for support, very do-able. I am banking on him feeling the "Flag Frenzy" and moving to control the flag at all costs and as quickly as possible, and in doing so leaving his troops bunched up and in disarray.
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03-27-2008, 06:05 PM,
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
Col. T., you called it right, I had to get that platoon out of his line of sight now. I did not want to move them with a WITHDRAW order seeing as they are under fire so I gave them ADVANCE orders and moved 3 of the 4 squads into as good a position as there is and slapped HHIDE orders on the end to try to break contact. The 4th squad fired at will. All 3 squads made it with only 3 men taken out and 1 squad in PANIC but no longer under fire.
The bad news is that he advanced a whole platoon into the woods ever closer to the flag. I managed to turn back 1 squad but that was all. The good news is that he has taken his 2nd platoon and turned it to engage my overwatch platoon and armour. I hope this line of thought keeps up, I need some time over here to get myself together, if he puts the pressure on my platoon with the one group and advances with the other, I am gonna see some hurt.
I have my 60mm mortar in command and will start to drop some shells into the trees and try to flush out some of his men next turn.
My armour and the recently moved up HMGs manage to drop a couple houses with squads in them and turn back a general advance from his infantry outlined in red. I can do this all day. He does nothing with the T-34 and that is good, it can sit and watch the action as long as it wants.
[Image: platoongetsaway.png]

My advancing R-35 lines up on the Armoured car and squeezes off half a dozen rounds, hitting with one, but the car seems to shrug the shot off with no harm done. I have to be carefull with these little guys as a enemy gun popped up half way through the turn and got a good penetration into another R-35 killing one of the crew. I have some small arms fire zoned in on it towards the end of the turn, and I am going to adjust the covered arc on my 47mm gun and see if I can take out the gun or armoured car next turn.
[Image: R-35advancesonAC.png]

My FO will start to drop some HE on the church and I am going to do this on and off so that I can move up a little before I smoke the area and advance on the church and area.
[Image: arty.png]
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