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Another question
09-16-2007, 08:40 AM,
Another question
I'm still working on learning this system. I've started France '40 four times now, playing as Axis against the AI. Each time I restart when I notice the elementary mistakes I'm making, the standard procedure when learning a new game. There are a number of rivers that need to be crossed and I always scout around for bridges that don't blow so my advance can continue. I note that it's always different bridges that blow, that's good, it would make the game too predictable if it were always the same bridges. Still, there are lots of detours and counter-marches necessary as these crossing points are found.

I've also got the Minsk '44 game and that one has engineers and bridging engineers, I haven't yet seen any bridging engineers in France '40. I'm only so far that I'm at the end of day one, do the bridging engineers show up later? Can the regular engineers repair bridges in some way? I don't mean ferrying infantry across a river, but actual bridging so that all units can cross and a supply line is established, how is this accomplished in France '40?
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09-16-2007, 09:10 AM,
RE: Another question
Bridges can't be repaired in PzC. I think considering the time scales in most games it is considered beyond the scope of the engineers.
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09-16-2007, 01:24 PM,
RE: Another question
In the standard F'40 OOB, at least, the German engineers are all or mostly all capable of bridging rivers. If you right click on them, they will show Mine/Bridge, and can do both mine removal and bridge building. Due to the size and other things, I believe the decision was made to just give all the engineers the ability to put up bridges.

[Image: exercise.png]
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09-16-2007, 04:58 PM,
RE: Another question
Thanks for the clarification. I now see that the German Army is provided with bridging capabilities that are more than adequate for the terrain in this scenario. In fact, now that you've told me where to look, I see that a few of the engineers are only capable of bridging. That's good to know, that means I won't order them into minefields like I did with similar Russian units in Minsk '44.

Well, these little revelations cause me to restart the Campaign Scenario yet again, because I should have been building a few bridges with units that I didn't realize I had.
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09-16-2007, 05:01 PM, (This post was last modified: 09-16-2007, 05:04 PM by Glenn Saunders.)
RE: Another question
alaric99x Wrote:I'm still working on learning this system. I've started France '40 four times now, playing as Axis against the AI. Each time I restart when I notice the elementary mistakes I'm making,

Just a thought but one of the reasons we include so many smaller Scns is to work out these issues on a smaller scale before you tackle the full campaign.

Also - many of the bridges that blow are over streams - and those you can cross al be it with a good MP cost - but you don't have to bridge them. This actually simulates delay as the Belgians really damaged the ROAD network - something we couldn't really do with the game engine - but blowing bridges over the streams simulate the effect nicely.

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09-16-2007, 05:37 PM,
RE: Another question
I've looked at the smaller scenarios, but the temptation of doing the big show is too much for me to resist.

Again, on the subject of bridges, looking at the paramater date in this scenario it says, "Small bridge wired probability: 85%." It also gives 0% as the probability for a large bridge. What does that mean? Are the percentages inverted so it means that 15% of small bridges will blow and 100% of large bridges?

Whatever the percentages are, is there any way to modify them? That is, are there some units that can "sneak up" better on a bridge, or do all units have an equal chance of blowing a bridge?

As far as engineers are concerned, it seems that any sized unit is able to clear a minefield. I guess, in the France '40 Campaign, it would make sense to divide my engineers so they can spread out and clear more minefields and obstacles. Is there a minimum number of engineers needed to clear something? I mean, 150 of them seem to be just as efficient as 500, able to clear all minefields all the time. Also, do the numbers of engineers influence the chances of success in bridging operations? Should I subdivide my bridging engineers so they can build 3 bridges, or will I increase the time it takes by using units that are too small?
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09-17-2007, 03:06 PM,
RE: Another question
All German units have the same chance of causing a bridge to blow up. The concept used in France 40 was one of small bridge detail units destroying the bridges. Allied units need not be present for a bridge to blow on the Germans.

One thing to think about in reference to Glenn's comments on the stream bridges is supply. F30 should be played, IMHO with the VST supply rule. this way the destruction of the stream bridges affect the supply as the Germans move east. the German player must decide if he should drop off an engineer to bridge the stream for future supply needs or save the engineer for major river crossings. Not a hard decision considering the numbers of German engineers who can build bridges. It adds some spice to the game.

There is another thread on this board that discussed the bridge engineers functioning as companies instead of battalions. It was decided and included in a patch that companies should not be as quick on average to build a bridge as a battalion of engineers would. Play with the latest update and this will work as it should.

Dog Soldier
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
- Wyatt Earp
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09-18-2007, 12:37 AM,
RE: Another question
Thanks for the comments, things are moving much better now. I'm patched up to 1.04 so I assume my game file is modified to allow faster bridge building by larger units. I've also split up a few of my mine clearing engineers and, so far, it looks like 160 engineers are able to clear mines and obstacles just as well as 320 engineers.

These games have tremendous depth, a wargamer's dream come true.
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09-18-2007, 02:25 AM,
RE: Another question
alaric99x Wrote:These games have tremendous depth, a wargamer's dream come true.

And the more you look into them, the deeper they get............:) :smoke: :bow: cheers
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09-18-2007, 03:17 AM,
RE: Another question
....this ain't a hobby, it's a vocation.
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