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Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
09-05-2007, 09:35 AM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...

And I couldn't resist and had to give POS a red one, and called him smelly.

Serves him right for spamming up our beloved "clicky" thread.

Looking forward to what can be done to "re-animate" the clicky into an uber zombie living dead clicky.


I had to crank up Rob Zombie's "living dead girl" and karaoke out the "living dead girl" part with "living dead clicky"...

I'm rockin now.

; )


Living dead Leto
09-05-2007, 11:21 AM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
This is quite possibly the greatest thread ever. It should be stickied. Well, it should be stickied if someone deleted all the irrelevant POS spam. I tried to make him his own thread, but that crashed and burned. The only good side effect from that is it made this thread seem somewhat on topic and useful by comparison.

Maybe someone should restrict POS's ability to post pictures until he clears them with a mod (talk about board functions being abused...). He seems to have problems with the concept of "on topic". He's made a lot of good threads hard to read (or just plain irritating to read). It's really detracting from the quality of the boards. In fact, I just had a revelation: it's not clickies that caused the drop in posts, it's people tired of having to scroll by a bunch of "stunning" screenshots to get to something interesting.
09-05-2007, 11:23 AM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
One more thing...it is nice to see the term "clickie" being bandied about all over CM boards now. Should've copyrighted the term while I had the chance, I could be making millions...
09-05-2007, 12:42 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
This thread has many worthwhile posts on the subject of the reputation system of the board, as well as, um, other sorts of posts :)

If, however, this thread were to become a baiting thread with no other redeeming feature about it, and really nothing more to say on the subject of clickies, then I'm afraid it too will die a horrible and painful death. So let's not.

There is no present intention of restricting the posting rights of any member...we'll just judge things on their merits (or lack thereof).

09-05-2007, 12:45 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
So...is that a "No" on stickying it? :conf:
09-05-2007, 01:09 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
The Coil Wrote:So...is that a "No" on stickying it? :conf:

Sticky the Clicky?

I doubt it.

Sorry about teh POS thingy, there was no malicious and conscious intent at baiting anyone there... just exuberance and exaltation escaping exponentially about finding a new race of clickies...

"There are those who believe that clicky loving here began out there, far across the universe, with tribes of clicky lovers who may have been the forefathers of the Clickgyptians, or the Clicktecs, or the Mayanclicks. That they may have been the architects of the great CLICKY, or the lost civilizations of Clickemuria or Clicklantis. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of Clicky lovers who even now fight to survive somewhere beyond the heavens..."

"Fleeing from the CCC tyranny, the last battleclick, Coillactica, leads a rag-tag fugitive fleet of clicky lovers on a lonely quest for a shining clicky loving message board known as XXXXX."

*Breaks into chilling tympany and horn standard*

Tear wells in corner of eye.


09-05-2007, 02:30 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
Yes, that's a no.

Admission is free, please pay at the door
Take your seats and sit on the floor
First act: Live elephants stuffed with straw
Eating cooked bananas raw.

09-05-2007, 07:02 PM, (This post was last modified: 09-05-2007, 08:28 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
[hirr Wrote:Leto]
And I couldn't resist and had to give POS a red one, and called him smelly.Serves him right for spamming up our beloved "clicky" thread.

Yes, the Proving Grounds 'How do you rate this player?" system is pretty good because there's no nastiness in it, people can say whatever they like about somebody as long as its done in a joky way with smileys thrown in.. :)
For example here's a few ratings I might put in there -

1 -"Good player, good file return rate, but is one of the biggest cheaters around so watch out"..:)
2 - "Adequate player but has a yellow streak a mile wide and will vanish for months if he's losing"..:)
3 - "Strong player but admits to sitting naked at his keyboard during play"..:)
4 - "Competent player but has annoying habit of constantly trying to sell his wife to you"
5 - "Tough player, a control freak member of the KKK so be prepared to receive death threats if he's losing"..:)
6 - "Fair player but obsessed with asking if you like wearing black leather"..:)
7 - "Fast file returner but will say 'Sorry my computers packed up, we'll have to abandon the game' every time you blow up one of his tanks".. :)
09-06-2007, 12:22 PM,
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
That powerful jetstream of wit carries us all across unestimable leagues of boredom and dullishness and deposits us onto rich white sands of endless mirth.


Steve raised a good point over at TPG. You got two red clickies there on your reputation, but you didn't bat an eye. If the rep system over at TPG is based on the same principles of non-anonymity and accountability as it is now here at the blitz (sans the multiple posting of clickies which therein lies the rub), why do you continue to state that you are leaving the blitz because of the rep system?

There is no logic to that line of reasoning based on what you have offered us as explanation.

What I think the hypothesis may be is that it is not the rep system per se, nor its structure, but the fact that you are getting negative feedback for your nincompoopery.

Apparently not all are raised on the wings of your witticism. Perhaps you should just own up and state the real facts: you threaten to leave because you don't like blitz members calling a spade a spade.

You old Spade you.

: )


09-06-2007, 12:56 PM, (This post was last modified: 09-06-2007, 12:57 PM by The Coil.)
RE: Why I miss old clickies: a lament...
|hirr|Leto Wrote:That powerful jetstream of wit carries us all across unestimable leagues of boredom and dullishness and deposits us onto rich white sands of endless mirth.

Amen. Only thing worse than having to wade through POS spam while reading an interesting thread is having to wade through of post of things POS might hypothetically post somewhere else.

|hirr|Leto Wrote:Apparently not all are raised on the wings of your witticism. Perhaps you should just own up and state the real facts: you threaten to leave because you don't like blitz members calling a spade a spade.

You also forgot that he's tired of being so outwitted by actually witty folks like you and me that he is reduced to responding with lines like "You on crack, mate?" as if this were some sort of clever retort.

McIvan Wrote:If, however, this thread were to become a baiting thread with no other redeeming feature about it, and really nothing more to say on the subject of clickies, then I'm afraid it too will die a horrible and painful death. So let's not.

Sorry, McI...but there's no way to shut the back door, so the riff-raff keep wandering in with their irrelevant posts. Don't hold the thread responsible for an annoying poster. If only we could show our displeasure with a flurry of red clickies or something...

There! Back on topic!

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