:)...after some receipts of posts from some my opponents...and from our bantering back and forth...and years of playing...
...for me...whenever I'm playing a scenario...I do not ever look at the victory progression of a scenario while I'm playing, consequently the end result ends up as a surprise to me (more or less). I read the scenario description, look over the map and go to town...it is rather fun, although I do loose a lot.
How many scientists are out there who guage their progression by reading the level of victory achieved, turn by turn...as one extreme...and who, are the "Patton's" out there who just do it and wait for a decision at the end of a scenario...as the opposite?
...real commanders do not have detailed point listings describing their level of victory at their every move..."halftracks" (that must have been a burp, sorry)...
I think it would add another dimension to the game by playing without looking at victory status during a scenario...your thoughts?