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Need advice, opponent gone missing
06-28-2006, 06:53 AM,
Need advice, opponent gone missing
Hi guys,

A couple of weeks ago I started an FitE game with another member. We agreed that this would be a ladder game.

Things went well for a week or 3 and he was very quick in submitting his move (usually within a day). He is playing the Sovs so had much less to do as me.

Unfortunately it has now been almost 2 weeks since I heard anything from him. I have sent 2 additional mails asking him if there is a problem or if he is just to busy for the moment. As a long time gamer I know how real life can eat into gaming time all to well.

Basically I'm unsure what to do. My situation is thus that I can only comfortable afford 1 large FitE game due to time constraints so I'm left a bit hanging while itching to play the game. Since he is not replying I fear he doesn't want to continue but on the other hand if I start a new one and he shows up I would be required to continue which would cause major time issues.

So the question is, can one declare victory if your opponent stops responding? If so, how long does one have to wait? What are the ladder's rules on this?

Many thanks to all.
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06-28-2006, 10:08 AM,
RE: Need advice, opponent gone missing
Hey Glenn,

We sympathize, we've all been there! First, check out Rules of Engagement #9, on Discontinuing a Game. In addition to those guidelines, we have a special one on the TOAW ladder; because FITE is a huge game, we ask that you claim only a forfeit win, and not an overwhelming victory, unless you have completed 20 moves of the scenario. You will still earn a decent number of points for the forfeit win. But I know everyone would rather have a real game, than a forfeit win.

When it's been three weeks without a move from him, send me the information requested by Rule of Engagement #9, and you can claim a forfeit win (if you've made fewer than 20 moves); or if you've made 20 or more moves, you can decide the appropriate victory level, based on your judgment of the game situation.
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07-01-2006, 12:37 AM,
RE: Need advice, opponent gone missing
Hi Currahee,

Thanks for your reply. Read the rules of engagement and will follow these along with your advice. No problem with the additional TAOW rule. It's only turn 5 but still this is the equivalent of 24hours non stop gaming (I'm still pretty new to this particular game).

One additional question comes to mind. Say he does reply in the nick of time and claims some serious problems which keep him from submitting moves for an additional several weeks. What are my options then?

I'm not trying to be incensitive but I've seen my share of tricks since the old Lead Eaters days and just want to know what is considered gentlemenlike behavior.

Thanks again!
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07-01-2006, 08:18 AM,
RE: Need advice, opponent gone missing
You can't really have a hard and fast rule because every fact situation is different, but I'd say if he's already pushing the three weeks, and is saying there will be further delay, you should not be obligated to wait further, but should be able to take the forfeit. Sometimes computer problems and/or real life cause unavoidable delays, but there's a reasonable expectation of timely response when a game begins, and we don't want to allow one person's misfortune to result in an abuse of his opponent.
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07-01-2006, 08:18 AM,
RE: Need advice, opponent gone missing
You can't really have a hard and fast rule because every fact situation is different, but I'd say if he's already pushing the three weeks, and is saying there will be further delay, you should not be obligated to wait further, but should be able to take the forfeit. Sometimes computer problems and/or real life cause unavoidable delays, but there's a reasonable expectation of timely response when a game begins, and we don't want to allow one person's misfortune to result in an abuse of his opponent.
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07-03-2006, 01:00 AM,
RE: Need advice, opponent gone missing
Thanks for this ruling. Hopefully it won't come to that although I'm still waiting...impatiently.
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