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THE MAIN EVENT III! Arrow vs. Moondog
01-13-2009, 03:25 AM,
Quote:Perhaps Moondog was ticked about losing the church and was impulsively sending the Panther to blow it down?


What a difference a hedge makes...
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01-13-2009, 04:11 AM,
British Tommy Wrote:DK, that serious loss needs a photo of Hitler saying something about Moondogs Panther :smoke:

Needless to say, the Fuher is not amused...

[Image: hitler2.jpg]

Too angry to speak, he retreats to his study with his dog Blondi and stares for hours at his portrait of Frederick the Great...
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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01-13-2009, 05:20 PM,
Did I not call that a couple posts ago...?;) Great to see things even up a bit, now we get to where the rubber meets the road.
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01-13-2009, 07:23 PM,
Great entertainment! Just picturing Moondog's face when his elite Panther got nailed... Big Grin :hissy:
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01-14-2009, 07:31 AM,
Minute Eight:

Moondog tries to take advantage of the two Shermans on the ridge that have just killed the elite Panther. They are now buttoned and blind as some 81mm artillery has been falling around there. But it turns out there is a cloud of smoke from a fallen building blocking his view to them - the stug can only shoot at the infantry in front.

[Image: me3-60.jpg]

From Arrow's side, we see he has anticipated Moondog would try to blow up the central church - he has run his infantry outside and hidden them - you can see them around the church - one panicked platoon could not be controlled and stayed inside. A second stug up the street can see the church but decides to fire at Arrows fresh reinforcements coming through the trees instead.

[Image: me3-61.jpg]

Moondog's AT resources are thinning out - he bought only two schrek teams. One was destroyed in the fallen building nearby and this second one is down to one broken man - he'll likely die within a minute as the enemy on the hill is still shooting at him.

[Image: me3-63.jpg]

Some units are in heavy fire areas, and some are like this vet Tiger - he hasn't seen any action since knocking out Arrow's Elite Sherman and continues to sit in the same spot, awaiting orders.

[Image: me3-62.jpg]

Moondog's Elite IVH moved up next to his stugs. Arrow's four Shermans remain still. The last of both commander's infantry have made it across the rivers and are beginning to take shots at each other here and there. For now both commanders appear to be strengthening their positions while waiting on the other to make a bold and possibly foolish move.
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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01-14-2009, 08:50 AM,
Moondog may have fumbled the ball! He can still overcome the Panther loss though. That Tiger is the key, he needs to get it into the fight. He just needs to make sure that Tiger lives.
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01-14-2009, 09:51 AM,
He might be having a difficult time trying to figure out where the greatest threat is at the moment. His forces seem to be bending somewhat, I agree, he has to get that monster into the battle soon.
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01-15-2009, 02:37 AM,
Minute nine:

Time to flush out some quail: Here Arrow decides to get some German halftracks - he first moves an infantry squad up the hedge on "move to contact" - the 251/1 on the other side is in "shocked" condition and doesn't see the squad, which is now only 20 meters away and will begin pitching grenades soon. At the same time, Arrow's FO starts bringing down some 81mm artillery near the halftracks. This causes the other halftrack to freak out and stupidly drive on "fast" right towards the road...

[Image: me3-65.jpg]

....where a Sherman reception committee is waiting to welcome it! The American squad in the graveyard also ended up killing the other halftrack with a grenade by minute's end.

[Image: me3-66.jpg]

A battle for the Northern flag is starting to shape up. It looks interesting - Arrow already has the flag and is stationary in cover with two full regular platoons. A US halftrack nearby can also fire in support. But Moondog is bringing a full vet company of Germans with three flamethrowers in support. He also has a HQ and two 81mm mortars nearby that may or may not have LOS.

[Image: me3-64.jpg]

To the West, Moondog brings up his Elite PzIVH to line it up behind the Stug IIIG - they are both waiting for the dust from the collapsed house to clear, hoping for a 2:1 engagement against one of the Shermans. We can see the ruined Elite Panther and still-dazed crew at the bottom of the picture.

[Image: me3-67.jpg]

Moondogs vet tiger still hasn't moved, and has been buttoned up by Arrow's artillery strike, so it is now blind. His lone schrek carrier did manage to make it into some scattered trees near a HQ and has improved from "broken" to "panic."

Moondog comments to Arrow on the halftracks: "Hahah I can see you don't like HT's. HT stands for Hearse Transport in my Irish German and they delivered dead men to the graveyard in style...."

Arrow says: "I just don't like HT's...It's because I can't purposely hurt tanks so I take my frustrations out on HT's..."
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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01-15-2009, 11:27 AM,
Hmmmm, both of these guys seemed to have bought Halftracks for a quick flag rush and then after that, didn't really know what to do with them. That is a waste.
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01-16-2009, 12:54 AM,
Lord Bane Wrote:Hmmmm, both of these guys seemed to have bought Halftracks for a quick flag rush and then after that, didn't really know what to do with them. That is a waste.

I think they are both still in a state of shock after losing their best armour. Hopefully things will get back on track soon :)
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