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Prussia in Peril - East Prussia '14 Central Powers AAR - major victory turn 114
06-21-2022, 05:33 AM,
RE: Prussia in Peril - East Prussia '14 Central Powers AAR
Turn 84 12:00 30th of August 1914

[Image: HYgmATK.jpg]

The northernmost sector remains quiet as Russian cavalry reorganizes for the next push.

[Image: 6vVEYVb.jpg]

Hauptreserve Koenigsberg field guns fire across the Pregel in support of 3. Reserve Division, which is facing minimal pressure at the moment.

[Image: nzKcVA9.jpg]

1. Reserve Division will soon split in two parts, with one brigade and assorted forces moving towards Allenburg and the rest of the division moving to Gerdauen.

36. Reserve Division mauls the first Russian battalions approaching the Omert bridges, but will soon be forced to withdraw as more Russian infantry and support weapons arrive.

[Image: Bxy7UNi.jpg]

The outline of the pocket for the upcoming days becomes visible.

As expected, I wasn't able to catch any Russian formations before they could join up with the bulk of 2nd Army. That was fine with me, the area I need to secure became considerably smaller than the original pocket.

1. Kavallerie Division is disengaging and forming a screen south of Przasnysz as lead elements of the Russian 4th Cavalry Division were spotted moving south by air recon and will soon show up along the primary road.
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RE: Prussia in Peril - East Prussia '14 Central Powers AAR - by ComradeP - 06-21-2022, 05:33 AM

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