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A Week in Binh Long - The forever AAR
04-04-2022, 06:12 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-04-2022, 06:15 AM by Jason Petho.)
RE: A Week in Binh Long - The forever AAR
What is A Week In Binh Long?

It is a scenario that has you commanding a number of units over the course of a week, 7 days. Each day every battalion under your command will be given a task that needs to be completed during the day turns (40 turns in total) while it has the opportunity to rest during the night turns (20 turns in total).

Your infantry battalions have a primary headquarters and a task force headquarters. It is recommended to leave the primary headquarters with the weapons company in the city described in the instructions and use the task force headquarters to accompany the rest of the battalion in the field and at the firebase being built.

Typically, each battalion task force will be assigned an area where they will be securing all the objectives, building a firebase to laager at for the night, secure a supply route to that firebase and ensure the area is clear of any Viet Cong. Additionally, engineer groups will be tasks with clearing primary roads and you will have to move logistics units to ensure that your ammo and arty ammo levels are maintained.

A reminder that while securing all the objectives is important, your primary mission - if you have time - is to perform search and destroy missions within the daily Area of Operations.",

As you play, you will find your resources are spread thin, there is a lot of management you will have to undertake to ensure all the missions are being completed. Depending on how you manage your resources, you may not complete each mission by the end of every day. If you do not finish the assigned mission, you will have to complete the mission the next day plus the new mission. You will not gain the points if you clear the area on the following day, but, you will prevent the enemy from gaining points.

During the course of a day, you may forget about a helicopter and it will force itself to the ground with 0 moves. You can attempt to recover it by moving a supply truck or headquarters into the same hex. Of course, if it has landed in a hex that you cannot gain access to, it will remain lost for the rest of the scenario.

Every night you will be expected to laager your units in specific areas. As a general rule, in order to successfully laager, you must have all your designated units within 1 kilometre (4 hexes) of the described firebase, or 2 kilometres (8 hexes) of the designated cities or bases.
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RE: A Week in Binh Long - The forever AAR - by Jason Petho - 04-04-2022, 06:12 AM

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