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AAR CDN Para VS Baluka Super Troopers (ME QB)
12-01-2019, 01:24 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-03-2019, 01:25 PM by naughtkris.)
RE: AAR CDN Para VS Baluka Super Troopers (ME QB)
[part 3]
Time Check: 1302h

B Coy runs full tilt up to its first possibly opposed bocage and field. The Coy Cmdr receives a radio call from the Firefly that a two man scout team was spotted running across the road east to west, with a southern tilt. Estimated course would place them at the NW bocage corner of LOON. B Coy prepare to ambush with a maple syrup stick bomb. Meanwhile, 2 Platoon prepared to split off and head west, to begin the "Left Hook".

A Coy is still running to set up Firebase and setup up an overwatch MG covering the N-S road along side the tank. While checking out the Firebase, the the mortar HQ spots a platoon (or more) worth of enemy troops making the expected dash along the far left flank.

Due to the awkward positioning of the bocage (and tiny little hedges), C Coy is having to make a wide detour to get where a crow could fly easily. C Coy Cmdr is worried that this delay will not only through off his timings, but could catch his men out in the open. He starts to think about a secondary position to take if his primary is overrun when he finally gets there.

[Image: 1302.png]

Time Check: 1303h

B Coy takes up position along the bocage, expecting to see a hoard of evil charge at them. Instead, a few of the more eagle eyed cherries among them spot way off to the east, a german platoon running across open ground, on a rise. The chance to hit anyone is slim, but popping off enough rounds makes many of the germans hit the ground, stalling their attempt to take up ambush positions. C Coy owes B Coy a round once they all make it back to camp. 2 Platoon continues to make plans for the Left Hook. What no one sees, is the enemy scout team, but they can certainly hear the exchange of gun fire less than 40m away.

[Image: 1303A.png]

A Coy has taken up its first overwatch position on the south west corner of LOON. They brought plenty of piat teams in case the enemy had blitz down the road with armour. While everyone is setting up, Major Arrow looks up from his map and compass and makes eye contact with pure evil staring back at him.On the opposite hedgerow, the german scout team (thule agents in disguise) lick their lips at the thought of meat being back on the menu. Knowing he must cleanse the world, Arrow brings his sten on target and starts to empty his mag. The rest of his HQ section start to do the same. Everyone else around him are too well disciplined to look away from their designated target arcs to see what is being shot at.

C Coy continues its hard (but round about) charge to get into position. Over the radio, B Coy sends the msg, "you're all clear kid, now lets blow this bocage and go home". Translating the code phrases in his head, C Coy Cmdr realizes that his opposition has been slowed down, and there is hope yet to get into position.

[Image: 1303b.png]

Time Check: 1304

B Coy increased its volume of fire on the far advancing germans. Many of them were now crawling on their snake-like bellies. Not long after, the smell of burnt maple filled the air as two separate holes were blown into the bocage. To the west, 2 Platoon got ready to run the Left Hook. To the east, the rest of the Coy watched a section crawl through the new gap, only to have an ammo bearer take a stray bullet from the soon dead german scout team.
[Image: 1304a.png]

A Coy finally took the hint from BN HQ and laid down suppressing fire on the suspected location of the enemy scout team. Pvt Jones swears he heard one of them go down, but they all keep blindly shooting. Twenty seconds later, they hear B Coy yell over to cease fire, they had gotten the second one. The Firebase was sill waiting for the mortars to take their sweet ass time getting up the hill. Meanwhile, the FAC team blurt over the radio that the can see signs of enemy armour to the north. The firefly gets ready to blast everything that comes around the corner.

C Coy reorganizes after the long run and prepares for the final sprint to take up defensive positions. Even with B Coy's help, some wonder if they will still make it in time. Cpl Willsham is the first to realize that they did not make it in time. Dozen of men from C Coy run past a window of death, giving the german troops who had made it into position, the perfect firing arc into the column. Cpl Willsham will not be the last to fall here. Only 3 Platoon and half of 5 Platoon made it across. The Coy is split and bleeding out.

[Image: 1304b.png]
Time Check: 1305
B Coy charged across the open field, trying to ambush the enemy as they file into their evil Thule temples. Unfortunately, those temples have second floor windows, and the germans rain a withering fire down on B Coy and 2 Platoon trying for the Left Hook. There is much suppression and a few men go down, but most of the Coy reach their objective. The fire fight is on.
[Image: 1305c.png]

A Coy is still in set up mode. The firebase is incomplete, though the FAC starts to map out where he is going to call in fighters. The only part of the Coy who is in position is the tank and the MG section on the road. There is a load burst of an enemy tank firing hidden from the north. Before the firefly crew know what is happening, a second invisible round flies to make contact with the firefly. The explosion kills most of the crew and scatters the MG section. That was the only armour support the BN had. Now they will have to wait for the 20mm cannons of the air support to rescue them.
[Image: 1305b.png]

C Coy scrambles to get out of the deadly funnel. Lance corporals yell for smoke grenades and smoke mortars to cover the pass, but the coordination is off and not enough gets covered. Many men lay dead and wounded.

[Image: 1305a.png]

Time Check: 1306

B Coy made it lined up along the western side of the hedge row. German MG fire from the buildings and the courtyard cut down many brave paratroopers. Meanwhile, a whole platoon worth of crack german shocktroopers had made it to the eastern side of the hedge, just north of B Coy. The AT team that had been sent to flank the enemy tank was torn apart by grenades and MP40s. 2 Platoon started to engage from their own hedge row to the west. Taken as a moral victory, small arms fire knocked out the german kubel wagon. The little hate car was believed to be possessed by the spirit of a Herman Goering's mother in law. B Coy was in for a terrible fight.
[Image: 1306c.png]

A Coy was testing the winds and prepping sight lines in the final minutes before the firebase would be fully operational. The FAC head radioed in his final coordinates, and estimate of where the enemy will have pushed by the time the planes are overhead. It didn't look good. The germans would be in shouting distance by then.
[Image: 1306b.png]

C Coy was still split in half. More smoke was added but the winds were not cooperating. Meanwhile 3 Platoon was seconds away from reaching their objective, but the germans were seconds faster. As more than 30 men dashed towards a small section of hedgerow, german MP and rifle fire opened up on them in those few final meters. Those that arrived at the green wall of death were soon greeted by exploding german fruit. A back and forth fight with an enemy that was a few meters away started. Many troopers started reaching for their grenades, even as enemy potato mashers were already arching overhead.
[Image: 1306a.png]

Time Check: 1307

B Coy is now not only engaged in close quarters combat with perhaps two infantry companies, but there is a Panther suppressing with MG and HE while piat rounds are having no effect. So far no sticky bombs, but a grenade or two has been thrown. B Coy is taking heavy losses. In order to take the pressure off the main bulk of the Coy, 2 Platoon lays down some suppressive fire as it prepares to blow a hole in the hedge and charge across.

A Coy is still in shock after loosing the tank. The Coy cmdr is trying to formulate a plan to get some MG and rifle positions setup facing north from the LOON, flanking into the enemy attacking B Coy. Its going to take time though.

C Coy has finally started to push back. 3 Platoon thinks its finally won the H2H over the eastern hedge passage. They start to formulate a plan to charge the shaken enemy and deal a killing blow. Meanwhile 5 Platoon has set up a firing line and is skirmishing with the multiple companies worth of german infantry that want to push south. The remainder of C Coy starts to tend to the wounded under the cover of smoke. C Coy Cmdr yells into his radio that he needs the fire base fully operational now, not two turns from now.

[Image: 1307.png]

[For those of you still awake, End of Part 3]
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RE: AAR CDN Para VS Baluka Super Troopers (ME QB) - by naughtkris - 12-01-2019, 01:24 PM

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