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AAR CDN Para VS Baluka Super Troopers (ME QB)
12-01-2019, 07:47 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-03-2019, 01:10 PM by naughtkris.)
RE: AAR CDN Para VS Baluka Super Troopers (ME QB)
[ Part Two]

CHRISTEN GROUND [See map below]

[Image: ground%20brief.png]

Temp: 27C
Forecast: Clear sky, damp ground
Sunset: 2103h

Situation General: 1st CDN Para BN is currently positioned 500m SW of CROSSROAD LOON. Intel reports a convoy of kidnapped french orphans will be passing by LOON at 1400h. The intel is good, as the Thule are as punctual as they are evil. Thule agents disguised as Heer units are arriving aprox 700m NE of LOON. Intel reports they also want to capture LOON, but for evil purposes.

Enemy: Kampfgruppe Baluka; composition unknown. Intel indicates a battalion worth of Heer units with possible armor and artillery support.

Friendly: 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion (VET); A Coy (support), B Coy, C Coy, plus attachments.

Atts/Dets: +Machine gun section (VET); + VC Firefly (VET); +Fwd Obs team (REG); +"Kamloops' Cross-eyed Commandos" Air wing (REG) [2X Spitfire IX strafe, 1x Typhoon IB strafe]; -D Company

[See attached photo, OOB]
[Image: OOB.png]

Mission/Execution: 1st CDN Para BN will conduct a take and hold of CROSSROAD LOON. Step off time is 1300h with capture/secure NLT 1345. B Coy will advance and cover the West and North West of LOON. C Coy will swing far East providing cover and hold from enemy advance. A Coy will attach out MG/AT sections to B and C Coy, then move mortar platoon to designated high ground. The remainder of A Coy will hold the centre of LOON. The firefly will take up an overwatch position along the N-S road. Fwd Air Control will move to designated high ground and call in the (assumingly) ironically named air wing to ground attack the enemies most likely avenue of advance.

Scheme of maneuver: OP will be done is 3 phases

Phase 1: BN will take up positions NW, W, S and E of LOON and await contact.

Phase 2: Upon contact, Coys will use action on and FRAGOs to determine attack or hold.

Phase 3: Once enemy has been driven off, LOON is to be swept clean and an ambush set for trucks coming from the East.

My Main Effort: Surround LOON, drive off enemy, hear the lamenting of their women.

My End State: LOON surrounded, enemy driven off, more lamenting of their women.

Groupings and Taskings

A Coy: Divide MG sections between B and C Coy. Place Mortar platoon on high ground and set up an observation/fire base to provide HE and Smoke as needed. Support Fwd Air Controllers from that position. Remainder of A Coy to move up to LOON centre and defend from enemy attacks coming from the north. Await FRAGO.

B Coy: Push north parallel the N-S road, through the fields. Take and hold the bocage overlooking the possible Thule temples. Split a single platoon off and have them hook far west, blow a hole in the bocage, before doing the same again to make their way far north then east. They should end up overlooking the possible Thule torture centre. Await FRAGO.

C Coy: Split forces and select two different routes to take east and far east defensive positions in preparations to hold against a major enemy push. Use fire base mortars as needed. Await FRAGO.

[Image: Battle%20plan.png]


Coordinating Instructions

NMB: 1300h
On task NLT: 1310h
Task Complete: 1345h

Control Measures:Chain of Command
ROE: If they are evil, shoot them. Take prisoners, kill those who resist.
Boundaries: As per map
Weapon State: Hot

Actions On: If fired on while out of position, make liberal use of smoke. Priority of AT goes to enemy armour.

Fire Support: Fire Base (mortar platoon) is being set up on high ground. Platoon commanders are free to make requests.

Service Support: The plumbing to the showers is still not hooked up.

Rations: Division swears hayboxes are being prepared and will arrive after the battle.
Water: Full canteens, plus artesian wells on the farm lands.
Ammunition: Standard
Weapons: Sten, Smle, Bren, Piat, 2" mortar, 3" mortar, maple syrup sticky bombs (satchel charge)
Dress/equ: Full battle rattle
Medical: One dressing per man
PWS: To be taken and collected at BN HQ south of LOON
Transport: We have to break in these new boots sometime.
Resupply: It's coming with the hayboxes

Command and Signals
Command: BN Major Arrow
COC: A Coy, B Coy, C Coy
Location of CO: Centre of LOON, BN HQ buildings, farm south of LOON

[End Part 2]
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RE: AAR CDN Para VS Baluka Super Troopers (ME QB) - by naughtkris - 12-01-2019, 07:47 AM

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