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How to effectively use Crocodiles and other flamethrower units?
09-26-2018, 04:05 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-26-2018, 04:10 AM by Gris.)
RE: How to effectively use Crocodiles and other flamethrower units?
Hi All American,

A few notes on the bigger "picture".

"Infantry in a foxhole only defends a foxhole"

That was a saying one of my viking buddies used to say all the time. What he meant by it was, once you breach the line the enemy has two choices. To sit in place or displace. 

In PB you will see players sometimes try to clear the line. Assault every bunker if you will. You want to breach the line at the roads and once breached, roll on down the road. Your opponent will have two choices and in general for the Axis they are both bad. He can sit in place effectively taking him out of the game if he is not sitting on any objective points or one of low value (it makes no sense losing 200 loss point to take a 25 point vp). Or, he can retreat to a second line. In most cases one that has no bunkers or IPs. Given that most Axis are on foot and the Allies have transport, your going to beat him there. Don't forget tank riders with your foot infantry. Breaking your infantry down into platoons and placing them on tanks with recon in the lead will cause a panic in your opponent like no other. In small scenarios, this may not matter too much, but in the larger campaigns, it can be the difference between a minor or major victory. You can cover the breach with some infantry or follow on forces. 

Pro Tip: Breaking your infantry down into platoons and placing them on tanks with recon in the lead will cause a panic in your opponent like no other. 

1. Breach and clear the line along a road.
2. Push follow on forces through. Armor and Infantry. 
3. Recon looks for high value targets (HVT) in rear areas causing disruption in command and control.
4. Consolidate on the objective.

PRO Tip: HVTs can be anything you as the Commander determine as critical to your mission success. HQ, artillery, infantry, etc etc. During the planning phase you should identify your HVTs for your recon, artillery, and air assets as a minimum. Identified HVTs into categories for position (where), disruption, and/or elimination. 

Outside of the bunkers, allied numbers are telling against all but the SS and Lehr. With those units you will have to wear them down with your numbers. The SS and Lehr are the very reason "crack the puzzle" solutions don't work.

One of the strength of Panzer Battles is tactics that worked in the real world, work in the game. IMO this is what separates PB from the rest of the pack out here in the wargaming world. 

Hope this helps. See you in the bocage - Gris
'Millions died or suffered in the mud of Flanders between 1914-18. Who remembers them? Even those with names on their graves are by now unknown soldiers.' - Mier Ronnen, Jerusalem Post, 1933 Gris
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RE: How to effectively use Crocodiles and other flamethrower units? - by Gris - 09-26-2018, 04:05 AM

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