Yup. Bought it.
I hope enjoyment can eventually come. My two forays into PBEM have been awful.
I hope I did not waste my money.
Disappointing (the one word that comes to mind each time I press the button.)
Tried the boot camps. OK.
I hope PBEM balance will become a priority.
It is easy on the eyes. But, I hope the 2-D crowd does not take it completely over.
Don't care for the LOS rules. Hope they are not ported over to the Campaign Series.
I do hope that ME and the Vietnam releases will stand alone.
In my opinion you should not mess too much with EF/WF/RS. Please. That could suck the fun right out of playing.
Windows 8.1 (turned it into Win10) and now this ... CSME.
Now I know what Earl felt like. Maybe my time will come sooner than later.
Thanks team!