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After Action Report: Moscow ‘42 - Efremov
11-05-2012, 09:02 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-05-2012, 09:11 PM by Strela.)
After Action Report: Moscow ‘42 - Efremov
The newly released Panzer Campaigns – Moscow ’42 includes 57 scenarios taken from the historical Soviet 1941-42 winter counter offensive as well as a hypothetical second attempt to capture Moscow (Fall Kreml) in June 1942.

To demonstrate some of the action we are including details from one of the play-tests prior to release. The scenario chosen is taking from the hypothetical Fall Kreml campaign and covers the first action by the Hungarians on the Eastern Front.

Dog Soldier commanded the Hungarians and Strela the Soviets.

The scenario briefing is as follows:

#0707_01 Efremov: Hungarian First Blood (HTH) Turns : 20

Efremov - Jul 7th, 1942 to Jul 9th, 1942. 2nd Hungarian Army had only arrived in Russia early in July 1942 and was immediately sent to protect Heeresgruppe von Weichs extended right flank. The Soviet Bryansk Front was being forced back by the unrelenting German pressure, but the heavy industry and crossings over the River Mecha at Efremov required a more stout defence. Unfortunately for the Hungarians, the city was defended by 1st Tank Corp. (Size, Small)

This is a good HTH or single player game for either side. The Hungarian III Field Corp has had 1st Armoured Division attached to it as it rushes to secure the bridges on the Mecha. Its orders are to clear the city and block the North/South highway to prevent Bryansk Front using this route. The Hungarian player has multiple ways across the river but will have to take a heavy bridge (or build one) to break into the city. The Hungarians do have some Pzkw IV to counter the T-34's, but the infantry will be expected to shoulder the burden of clearing the city. The Soviet player can't be everywhere and will have to hope that some of the wired bridges slow the Axis forces down. Watch your supply lines.

For more information on the game go to; http://www.johntillersoftware.com/Panzer...cow42.html
To read the Historical Winter Notes go to; http://www.johntillersoftware.com/Panzer.../notes.pdf
To read the Hypothetical Summer Notes go to; http://www.johntillersoftware.com/Panzer...summer.pdf

Starting Positions
The map area is compact, with the attackers looking at a river crossing and urban fighting to be successful;
[Image: T1S1.jpg]

The various opposing forces;
[Image: T1S2.jpg]

End of Turn 1: July 7 0600 - 0800
The Hungarians move towards the various crossing points to determine the best place to establish a bridgehead across the Mecha. A heavy bridge will be required to get the Hungarian armor across the river. All bridges on the river are ‘wired’ with a 20% chance of demolition. In addition there are a number of bridging engineer units with the Hungarian III Field Corp.
[Image: T1S3.jpg]

The Soviets plan to move the 49th Tank Brigade south west to counter any flanking move by the Hungarians. 1st Guards Tank Brigade is held in reserve with the exception of a company of T-60 tanks sent to patrol the two undefended bridges on the northern arm of the Mecha River.
[Image: T1S4.jpg]

End of Turn 2: July 7 0800 - 1000
The Hungarians manage to disrupt the Soviets defending a medium bridge and immediately assault across with travel mode motorized infantry. They are followed up by 80mm AA guns. The Soviets target the vulnerable travel mode infantry and manage to disrupt them with artillery. The Russians must push back any bridgehead before it has a chance to expand.

From the Hungarian perspective;
[Image: T2S1.jpg]

From the Soviet perspective;
[Image: T2S2.jpg]

End of Turn 3: July 7 1000 - 1200
The Hungarians rally in the bridgehead and bring further troops across. The capture of the bridge has resulted in surprisingly light casualties. Responding to the breach of the river line, the T-34’s and motor rifle infantry of 1st Guards Tank Brigade move forward. The Hungarian Armored Division continues to flank the river line in the south.

The Hungarians continue to cross the river;
[Image: T3S1.jpg]

T-34’s setting up at 2 hex range;
[Image: T3S2.jpg]

Further north, the Tank Corp’s 15th Armored Car Company is unaware of the 9th Light Division moving forward to pin it to the river line. The second bridge from the top has blown and the Hungarians will have to detour further north unless they can quickly dislodge the armored cars;
[Image: T3S3.jpg]

End of Turn 4: July 7 1200 - 1400
The 7th Light Infantry Division approaches the Mecha River. The Hungarian motorized infantry continue to expand the bridgehead, assaulting forward, pushing the defenders to the north. The narrow attack frontage has its risks as the Soviets target the Hungarian heavy AA guns holding the bridge; few remain after the T-34’s fire.

The Hungarian advance is precariously balanced;
[Image: T4S1.jpg]

The Soviet forces are temporarily in disarray;
[Image: T4S2.jpg]

End of Turn 5: July 7 1400 - 1600
The Soviets counterattack with the Guards Tank Brigade’s motor rifle infantry, isolating the Hungarian motorized infantry. Advancing forward place the Guard’s T-34’s in range of the Pzkw IV’s on the other side of the Mecha. The Guards motor rifle assault at the bridge destroys the remaining AA guns, but leaves them exposed with enemy units on three sides.

Motorized infantry in trouble;
[Image: T5S1.jpg]

The Guards secure the northern end of the bridge;
[Image: T5S2.jpg]

End of Turn 6: July 7 1600 - 1800
The trapped Hungarian motorized infantry are assaulted and lose over 800 men. Despite their initial success, the Guards motor rifle infantry retreat in the face of heavy artillery direct firing across the river. The issue is compounded for the Soviets as the Pzkw IV’s shoot up the tanks and infantry holding the highway bridge, disrupting both. With a heavy bridge on the highway, taking this crossing is the key to moving the Axis armor forward.

The motorized infantry suffer over 80% casualty rates;
[Image: T6S1.jpg]

The Guards retreat after taking heavy losses at the bridge;
[Image: T6S2.jpg]

in the north, the Soviet armored cars retreat from the bridge they were defending after being surrounded;
[Image: T6S3.jpg]

End of Turn 7: July 7 1800 – 2000 Dusk
The Hungarian motorized infantry fall back as a regiment of infantry cross the medium bridge. At the highway bridge a battalion of infantry and a company of Pzkw IV’s assault into the victory hex pushing the disrupted Soviets back. Though successful, 5 tanks and over 40 men are lost. The Soviets now have two incursions to cope with and more ominously the lead battalions of the Guards Brigade are in no condition to intervene.

A second bridgehead is seized over the Mecha;
[Image: T7S1.jpg]

The Guards counterattack was brief and bloody;
[Image: T7S2.jpg]

End of Turn 8: July 7 2000 – 2400 Night
With nightfall the fighting is limited to local assaults. The Hungarians manage to push the defending Soviets back a kilometer along the highway further expanding their bridgehead. North of Efremov, 9th Light Division is across the river in strength and looking to push south. The Soviets try and hold in place in the vain hope some units may recover from disruption.

Infantry from the 4th Infantry Regiment expand the bridgehead;
[Image: T8S1.jpg]

89th Tank Brigade in disarray after fighting on the highway;
[Image: T8S2.jpg]

End of Turn 9: July 8 0000 – 0400 Night
The Hungarians continue to assault with the cover of darkness. Four KV-1 tanks are lost when the battered Hungarian motorized infantry surprise them in the early hours. The bridgehead at the medium bridge still looks extremely precarious. The Guards Brigade manages to rest and rally, preparing for the day ahead.

Less than 200 motorized infantry advance;
[Image: T9S1.jpg]

Improving status of the Guards Brigade;
[Image: T9S2.jpg]

End of Turn 10: July 8 0400 – 0600 Dawn
With the breaking of night, the Hungarians begin the push to surround the city. Recon & cavalry units push further east. The Pzkw IV company comes under further fire losing two more vehicles. In the north the Soviets only have a light armor screen of T-60’s & the bloodied armored cars to delay the 9th Light Division. With the armored car company pulling back from its defensive position, the 9th Light is across the Mecha in strength.

Pzkw IV unit looking worse for wear;
[Image: T10S1.jpg]

North of Efremov, the best the Soviets can do is try and block & delay;
[Image: T10S2.jpg]

Day 1 Synopsis
With a day of fighting completed the Hungarians have certainly got the worse of it. The initial bloody crossing of the Mecha had resulted in losses of close to three to one. Nearly all of the disparity could be attributed to the near annihilation of the motorized infantry when the Guards Tank Brigade counterattacked trapping the hapless Hungarians. The long range fire of the Pzkw IV’s and Soviet practice of pushing unsupported tanks forward has left the Russians with heavier vehicle and gun losses. For the Soviets, the Guards have been the key to their resistance, popping up where the line is most threatened. With 9th Light Division advancing on Efremov from the north, holding forces back in reserve will be impossible on Day 2. Though currently scored as a major Axis defeat, the game is tipping quickly the Hungarians way.

[Image: T10S3.jpg]

The Hungarian advance after Day 1;
[Image: T10S4.jpg]

End of Turn 11: July 8 0600 – 0800
7th Light Division now starts to enter the bridgehead in strength, relieving the battered motorized Infantry. The Soviet river line defenses are now in danger of being flanked. Further east, the recon elements from 1st Armored Division manage to isolate some of 49th Tank Brigade. The Soviets destroy the remaining four Pzkw IV’s north of the river with a combination of air strikes and fire from the Guard T-34’s.

Hungarian Infantry Battalions planning to attack;
[Image: T11S1.jpg]

49th Tank Brigade quickly falling back on the city proper;
[Image: T11S2.jpg]

End of Turn 12: July 8 0800 – 1000
The arrival of 7th Light Division turns the river line. Immediately, the Soviets are pushed back around the bridgehead and decide to abandon the forward defenses including the victory point locations and fall back into the city. Shortening the line was preferable to being hit in the flank, though it now gives the Hungarians the ability to mass and choose the direction of attack.

1st Tank Corp pulls back, the Hungarian view;
[Image: T12S1.jpg]

The Soviet view, now on the edge of the city;
[Image: T12S2.jpg]

End of Turn 13: July 8 1000 – 1200
Hungarian recon elements continue to push around Efremov in the hope of isolating the forces within the city. The Hungarian armored car company blocks the westernmost bridge to warn of any Soviet flanking attack. The growing list of disrupted and broken Soviet units is forcing the tank battalions to break down into companies, many without supporting infantry.

Recon elements continue to circle the city;
[Image: T13S1.jpg]

Unsupported armor in an urban environment – not good;
[Image: T13S2.jpg]

End of Turn 14: July 8 1200 – 1400
The Hungarian assault on the city begins in earnest with 1st Motor Rifle Brigade routed from the western fringe of the city. Bicycle infantry also manage to break into Efremov’s northern defenses. With the city now cut off, supply is drawn from within the city at close to 1/3 of the previous level. Many units are subsequently low on ammo. The locations held by Soviet armor last turn have been bloodied by the Hungarian infantry attacks.

The west is cleared led by the strong Pzkw 38 battalion;
[Image: T14S1.jpg]

Very heavy losses in the Soviet tank companies;
[Image: T14S2.jpg]

End of Turn 15: July 8 1400 – 1600
Low ammo levels continue to afflict many of the Soviet units, impacting morale. The Hungarian’s consolidate their gains. Axis engineers are proving particularly adept at routing the Soviet armor with fewer losses than the line infantry. The unsupported tank units lose vehicles as they retreat.

Hungarian engineers having cleared an industrial area;
[Image: T15S1.jpg]

Katukov brings his HQ staff forward to bolster the defense;
[Image: T15S2.jpg]

End of Turn 16: July 8 1600 – 1800
Having cleared the outskirts of the city, the Hungarian infantry move up to the Soviet defensive lines in preparation for dusk assaults. No ground is taken this turn, but a major relocation of Hungarian armor to the south is underway. The Soviet defenses are looking threadbare, with few motor rifle battalions available and even less in a good order state.

1st Armored Division redeploying;
[Image: T16S1.jpg]

Only two KV’s stand undisrupted against the next Axis assault;
[Image: T16S2.jpg]

End of Turn 17: July 8 1800 – 2000 Dusk
With night approaching, the Hungarians again assault the Soviet defenses. In the north the first big victory location is taken after 17th Infantry Regiment clears the factory district. A number of key attacks from the east and south also push the Soviets back leaving the southern victory hex vulnerable. The T-60 & Matilda tank companies are weak against enemy infantry and reliant on the accompanying motor rifle infantry.

Significant success for the Hungarians;
[Image: T17S1.jpg]

Disrupted infantry again the order of the day;
[Image: T17S2.jpg]

End of Turn 18: July 8 2000 – 2400 Night
There is little movement on the front line as artillery duels and local skirmishing are the order of the day. The Hungarians have six units recover from disruption and are in a position to renew pushing into the city. The lack of indirect fire units is hobbling the Soviet response with the Tank Corp’s one artillery unit disrupted and the remaining mortars low on ammunition.

Recovering Hungarian infantry & engineers;
[Image: T18S1.jpg]

The remaining northern VP hex is lightly held;
[Image: T18S2.jpg]

End of Turn 19: July 9 0000 – 0400 Night
The Soviets saw many of their units reorder themselves after the less intense fighting of the last 8 hours. The Hungarians content themselves with probing the defenses but little was planned before dawn. Only the southern victory point hex was threatened by the Hungarians. The only Axis units able to take the northern hex were disrupted and unable to advance.

9th Light Division has no units capable of taking the northern VP location;
[Image: T19S1.jpg]

Recovering units give the Soviet defense a chance to hold on;
[Image: T19S2.jpg]

End of Turn 20: July 9 0400 – 0600 Dawn
As the sun rose and the river fog cleared, the Hungarians pushed deeper into the city. After the opening barrage, they captured the southern victory point location for little loss. The capture of this hex cut all Soviet supply in the city reducing morale due to isolation. With few Soviet units to face them, the Axis forces moved up in support of the advance. The Guards motor rifle battalion was thrown in to an immediate counterattack and was smashed by the Hungarian defensive fire. Amazingly it did not disrupt but had lost over 75% of its total strength

The Hungarian assault is successful;
[Image: T20S1.jpg]

The Soviet bloodbath;
[Image: T20S2.jpg]

Day 2 Synopsis
After two days of fighting the game ends in a draw. It was a close run thing with the heavy losses of the Hungarian motorized infantry battalions the difference between a draw and victory. The 800 men lost were worth 70 points and an Axis major victory. The Soviets had a chance to win in the last turn if they could recapture the southern victory point hex but the loss of supply source left the Russians too weak to challenge. As this was one of a series of play-tests, the scenario was modified to have a source of supply in each of the 50 victory point hexes. In the north, the 9th Light Division was never able to launch a concerted attack but was sufficient to force the Soviets to split their best brigade. On the last turn the Guards counterattacked to the north to allow 1st Tank Corp a chance to breakout out of the cauldron…

[Image: T20S3.jpg]

Final positions;
[Image: T20S4.jpg]

Axis Player Dog Soldier comments
The Mecha River is both an obstacle and a shield in this scenario for the Hungarians. The obstacle part is obvious. The shield part is more subtle. The Hungarian force is infantry heavy, with little to no way of coping if caught in the open by Soviet heavy tanks. The Matildas make great "road blocks" freeing the T-34s and KVs to mass and run amok among the Hungarians if they are not careful.

The idea presented here was to bounce the southern river crossings and draw the Soviets away from the north and west of their forward defenses. Then hit hard with the 7th & 9th Light Divisions either in the south or west. This did not happen as the anvil of the southern attack quickly got into trouble causing the 7th Light Division to be diverted straight into the wake of the 1st Armored. Traffic jams in the tight ground slowed the attack and made for a piecemeal attack instead of the hoped for coordinated blow. In any case the Russians had a hard time of it once the Hungarians were able to mass.

This thinking governed the Hungarian approach to the city of Efremov. Time is short to cross a river; break though fortified industrial hexes and battle into the tough defensive terrain of the city center. The river and shortage of bridges to cross with armor will force the Hungarian commander to choose between an infantry assault or wait for the bridge engineers to arrive from the back of the Hungarian columns.

Note: The Hungarian 1st Armored division starts split by a branch of the Mecha River with no way to cross except to go the long way around the end. A change from the scenario played this time was to add a medium bridge to allow the 1st Armored to cross some units where a secondary road made a dead end at this river branch in the south.

Hindsight shows that the Hungarians need to pick a spot and then concentrate everything there. Some forces need to be thrown out to cover your flanks and rear from Soviet mischief to your supply lines. The terrain is more constricted than it first appears, so being sneaky just will not work here. Soviet ‘hearing’ is very good and they can tell where you are just by listening for the bridge demolitions. Failure of a bridge to blow, still gives away your intentions.

On the plus side, Soviet artillery is identified well in this scenario by the Hungarians. It can pay off later in the game to blast a Soviet "?" with everything for a turn in the early turns of the first day while the Hungarian force deploys from the march.

Once across the Mecha River, it is a slow, patient game of block busting to get to the objectives. The Hungarians, unlike the Germans have no qualitative edge here. One of my two Pzkw IV companies was disrupted early on in the second or third turn and took until the second day to rally. I pressed on, with only one boot on. The other brave company of Pzkw IVs was wiped out along with the 80mm AA company. Still they exacted a toll on the Soviet defenses to pave the road for the infantry to break into the city. It would have been far harder on the Soviets if both the Pzkw IV companies could have fought in coordination.

There is also the idea of building bridges either in the north or SE of the city to be yet explored by another Hungarian commander.

This is a very fun little scenario to play.

Soviet Player Strela comments
This was a fun scenario which presented both players with a range of conundrums. As the Soviet commander you have to worry about where the Hungarians will cross the river. There are undefended points both north and south of the city and to keep them under observation forces the Tank Corp has to spread out. Where possible it is necessary to counter any crossing as aggressively as possible and this requires concentration of force. Half way through the game my opponent was bemoaning ‘the bridge of death’ at the medium bridge crossing and the belief that he would never breakout. The capture of the heavy bridge on the highway and arrival of the 7th Light Division made all the difference.

The Soviet Tank Corp has a number of weaknesses that were highlighted during play. A lack of artillery support beyond mortars and rockets really hampered its ability to hit beyond the front line. When compared to the Hungarian artillery, the Soviets were found sorely lacking. Secondly, the small number of motor rifle battalions made it impossible to stand on the defense for too long. The 1st Tank Corp has six motor rifle battalions of which the three in the Tank Brigades are understrength. Compared to the available eighteen tank companies, the Soviets found they were trying to hold urban terrain more often than not with vehicles only. This resulted in exorbitant casualties as the Hungarian infantry assaulted the vulnerable armor. Finally, 50% of the Soviet tanks were either light or obsolete. The Soviets had been rebuilding their tank forces during the spring after the huge losses of the previous year. Out of 150 tanks in 1st Tank Corp only half are modern KV’s or T-34’s. The remainder were lend lease Matilda’s or T-60 light tanks.

The old maxim of never assault or defend an urban area with armor was played out here. The Tank Corp was ill equipped to hold the terrain it was asked to. That said placing a Rifle Division or two in Efremov would have ended in the same situation, possibly even quicker. The Soviet infantry would not have had the mobility shown by the Guards Brigade to counter the different Hungarian moves. They may have made a better stand in the city, but would have had bigger challenges handling the Hungarian armor.

All in all a great little scenario to play!
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After Action Report: Moscow ‘42 - Efremov - by Strela - 11-05-2012, 09:02 PM

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