Thank You VM for taking the trouble to reply I'm sorry I did not want to labour the point by stating it over again, however it looked like the issue I raised was being glossed over when a simple acknowlegement by someone would have sufficed.
The ability to have the game on two computers at the same time is fine as sometimes I travel and take the last turn with me on the laptop. I do though prefer to play the game on my desktop as I have a bigger display and feel more comfortouble there. So when not travelling I use the desktop.
I take it then if I have two installs I will not have to contact the support each time I use a different computer which was what I thought was being said. I would only have to contact them in the cases you highlight, say the HD crashed or I wished to upgrade to another new computer.
This is obviously a pain compared to the current system but I can live with that if it helps the developers keep the pirates away from copying it.