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Playtesting the **Morning of fire for I / Panzer Rgt. 26 (DAR)
03-24-2010, 06:34 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-26-2010, 05:45 PM by Crossroads.)
RE: Playtesting the **Morning of fire for I / Panzer Rgt. 26
Turn 5

A captured enemy e-mail errr radio communication indicates he still has a lot of fixed troops at this stage of battle. It indeed seemed my northern force was designed to attack the prepared enemy positions in the north. I will continue with my original plan to enforce my troops in the middle, however.

The Russian column continues to travel (advance!) south, with its rear and left flanks protected by friendly T-34 companies.

The German force with its defensive network is seen to the west of my forces... I better stay out of their LOS! Is there any enemies? I have no idea but since there are trenches I better assume they are manned!

I decide to commit the company of T-34s on my left from flank duty to a permanent ambush role, with orders to stay low in the ditch east of the forest.

The ATR and sniper platoons are now nicely in place to spot any careless invader heading this way!

As seen from the picture, five turns into the game and my troops have barely left the town... Trucks are able to move only two-three hexes per turn...

[Image: Turn5-a.jpg]

Middle sector
Not much happening this turn at Tishovka. Having lost the LOS I have no idea of the exact whereabouts of enemy... To change that, I am carefully maneuvering one of my T-34s into a shrubbery west of the plains located south of Tishovka.

The ATR platoon immediately dug in an IP in the hills south of the city. How nice!

At Kapitanovka, the single rifle platoon I've got there managed to enforce the factory in the eastern side of the city. Good job! The location has a very commanding LOS towards the fields of enemy advance!

[Image: Turn5-b.jpg]

One more turn and the T-34 company will make it to Kapitanovka as seen from the picture above! The brave ATR platoon advancing in the open should be there in a few turns as well, should they survive their field trip...

Southeast, I sent a company of T-34s even further on, in a hope to catch the enemy out of guard there.

Judging from the scenario description, the enemy has a long march ahead of them as well.

Hopefully from southeast, and perhaps one hard strike on an advancing enemy column would tip the scales on my favour?

I have now committed two tank companies for an ambushing role, one in north and now one in south. Hopefully it will pay out as I would surely need those units in the middle.

[Image: Turn5-c.jpg]

See the LOS from my T-34? It IS a Panther country out here!

This is exactly the reason I keep mentioning how I do this and that, while staying out of sight... I really love to hate this map :)

Next turn
Into turn #6, with a first chance to receive the first of my reinforcements!

Turn 6

My troops continue to advance (finally got it right!) south, slowly ever so slowly, through the mud, expecting more mud ahead. Have I mentioned there's mud? ;)

My snipers immediately spotted an enemy arty unit in the middle of the Kapitanovka forest! How unfortunate for them to be in the only spot of the forest I can actually see. I already moved my Katyusha unit so I need to plot the strike come next turn...

A single T-34 on a recon mission from Pisarivka is destroyed by enemy fire! Where did THAT come from? Shoot! I assumed these guys would remain unspotted when not moving... :(

The LOS from Pisarivka does not reach to Kapitanovka forest but I decide to leave it at that. Should they come into open I will have enough time to react as - have I mentioned this - it is muddy!

Middle sector
A Panther platoon suddenly pops up in the middle of the hills south of Tishovka!

I used most of my action points only managing to kill a single enemy Panther, before they retreated out of sight. I am glad my tanks are located in a brand new IP should the enemy retaliate next turn.

If not, I will need to probe with my ATR platoon in order to have a LOS to plains down the hills. Panthers are surely there. But where is the German infantry!?

The nine T-34s sent from the eastern sector are now available to strengthen Kapitanovka!


Unfortunately there will be no way their HQ will ever be within a range. Can't be helped...

[Image: Turn6a.jpg]

The reinforcements have arrived! Moving cautiously while trying to stay out of enemy LOS!

Luckily, the T-34s are incredibly agile in this terrain. If only the trucks would be of any use. I swear the soldiers march quicker than them... No options for AT guns though.

How long until they reach Kapitanovka? 10 turns? This would again indicate the inevitable that I need to reconquer the area from enemy. Accordingly, an order is sent to my troops in the middle to fight until last man, avoiding stupid losses though! Stay in the city! Dig in!

The railway line through the Kapitanovka forest, from Northwest, worries me a lot. Enemy tanks advancing from there would have a field day ambushing my trucks, basically stuck in the mud!

Where are they!?

Enemy defense structures spotted!

As they have reinforced their positions, and having seen absolutely no movement there I am assuming no strong enemy formations are located there...Just some AA guns and an infantry platoon or two.

I decide to order my tanks to advance quickly towards middle sector, while carefully staying out of LOS of the village and the nearby fields.

I hate changing my mind every turn. But it will be a nice reinforcement to the middle, hopefully available at the time the western reinforcements start to arrive to middle.

I just hope I will have an open approach route still availalbe to me as the enemy Panthers are surely stalking their pray somewhere there.

The lone T-34 will remain in the fields where their number (which is one :) ) cannot be seen by the enemy. Maybe this will mean he will need to leave a few units to secure the lowly VP that is there...

[Image: Turn6b.jpg]

Next turn
Overall, not much this turn.

I still have no reliable information available as where most of the enemy is lurking. That is worrying me a great deal.

I will stick with my plan to reinforce the middle sector the best I can.

Once the enemy arrives, they surely attack simultaneously from north of Kapitanovka and south of Tishovka? Southern front line provides quite many options for flanking attacks, however... I need to remain spread thin to learn where they come!

And that's it for today! I hope you have enjoyed the story so far... cheers

My apologies for the misuse of english language, I am not a native...
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RE: Playtesting the **Morning of fire for I / Panzer Rgt. 26 - by Crossroads - 03-24-2010, 06:34 AM

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