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Role of the Designer
02-15-2010, 01:39 AM,
Role of the Designer
What is the Designer's role?
Once the scenario is moved to the main test page it is the designer's role to arrange for players to test his scenario. This is best achieved by posting for testers on the relevant forums and ensuring the testers register any tests started (see below). You will also need to liaise with your testers to see how things are progressing, every time a test report is submitted you will be notified by email, so ensure your email address is correctly displayed on your member page. The test reports can also be accessed through the scenario listing at the testing area and through the My Scenarios page.

Note: Active designers need to get members to test the scenario.

Once you receive feedback and the current round of tests are completed, you can update the scenario file through the My Scenarios (see below) link. Taking feedback and uploading new versions of your scenario is very important to keep your scenario project moving forward.

Note: When you update the scenario let everyone know. Also put a version number in the scenario description (it can be removed later prior to being moved to the approved area). Remember to keep an open mind when viewing feedback. The testers are trying to help you.

The greatest issue the H2H Area has is designers uploading scenarios and then not fulfilling their role as set out above. Not only does this create a "log jam" of scenarios on the test page it also causes extra admin work for the H2H custodians. Any scenarios found to be abandoned on the test page by their designer will be deleted and that designer may not be allowed to upload new scenarios in the future!

*Please don't upload scenarios if you don't intend to have them tested*

Note: This is not meant to be punitive against any one designer. It is meant to keep things moving. We will be sending out e-mails shortly, to those who have designs in the testing area, to find out which designer is interested in supporting it or having it removed. As previously stated the H2H Custodians are willing to upload the scenario into the Scenario dBASE so that your work will not be lost. And, your scenario can be downloaded and rated through play.

Can a designer test his own scenarios?
This might sound unwise but it has been proved that having the designer involved in the testing can have real benefits to keeping a project moving. If you would like to test your own scenario you should contact Foul. who will discuss this further.

Note: I believe that you can also contact John and I. I usually play test my scenarios once from each side against the AI and then against Humans prior to adding them to the dBASE. I have also tested my own in the H2H area. Sometimes an opponent who is not from your regular pool can show you things that you do not often see. It helps to get as many perspectives as possible?

How does a scenario pass through testing and become Approved?
For a scenario to become approved the scenario requires four reports which rate the scenario with an average score of 8 or more, at that point the scenario can be approved provided there are no other tests registered against it, the scenario is moved to the Approved list using a link located in My Scenarios (see below).

If all the tests are finished and the scenario is still not approved the designer can make changes and upload a new version of the scenario using the My Scenarios link and a new round of testing can begin. This continues until the scenario achieves the required score to become approved.

Note: Sounds tedious but works quite nicely. Especially when the testers commit themselves to also be active.

What is the 'My Scenarios' link for?
This link is a powerful tool that all designers need to know how to use properly, the page lists all of your uploaded scenarios in the testing area and allows you to change almost all aspects of those scenarios. The link is only active while you have scenarios uploaded in the testing area.

The page is self explanatory, but here are some tips...

1. You cannot upload and replace an existing scenario file while any tests are registered against that scenario.
2. You can prevent any new tests being registered against your scenario by changing the 'Testing In Progress' box to 'Testing Stopped', you will need to do this when either you have enough tests running or you are waiting for current test to finish so you can modify or approve the scenario. If you modify the scenario remember to change this box back to 'Testing in progress' to allow tests on the new version to be registered.
3. When your scenario has the required score a link will appear in the 'Approve' box to allow you to move it to the Approved list.

How do testers register their tests on my scenario?
Testers register their tests at the scenario listing on the test page. This is important as having tests registered against your scenario shows the custodians that your scenario is currently under active testing.

Why is a correct Email address so important?
It is important that your correct email address is listed under your Blitz profile as all of the automated messages generated by the H2H area for feedback or points awarded is sent to this email address. Also testers with questions may try to contact you this way.

My scenario has achieved the required score but I cannot approve it, why?
This will be because there are still tests registered against the scenario, testing is done in "rounds" and it is only once a round of testing is finished will you be able to update or approved your scenario. If your scenario is stuck due to unreliable testers then contact Foul. who will help you remove the log jam.

My scenario cannot be updated?
See above.

Can a scenario be too large for the H2H Test Area?
Yes it can. A scenario which the custodian estimates would take longer than approximately one year to test will not be allowed past the holding area. If you have any doubts about the size of your scenario ask the relevant custodian before you upload the scenario.

Note: Just keeping the testing active will help to move even that largest scenarios along. If there is no action the large ones will be treated as any other inactive test scenario.

What bonus points will I earn?
Designers are awarded 20 points per Size Modifier once their scenario is moved to the approved list.

How does the rating formula work?
The rating formula for the scenario average score is

Balance carries the most weight followed by enjoyment, while the briefings score has least weighting. There is guidance on the report to indicate to testers that the briefing should be scored highly if informative and complete.

Why am I only allowed to have 3 scenarios uploaded?
This is to prevent designers hogging all the available space on the test page, the best way to upload new scenarios is to get your present ones approved!

Note:This can be the most frustrating part for the designer. Keeping in active touch with the testers help to move scenarios along and allow more scenarios to be uploaded as existing ones attain approval.

I no longer wish to have my scenario on the test page?
Contact Foul. who will delete your scenario.

Any tricks of the trade?

1. Consider forming your own test group of testers who you can trust to be reliable and provide useful feedback.
2. Consider only having three tests registered against your scenario to keep things manageable and use the 'Testing stopped' feature to prevent any more tests being run until you are ready to approve or update the scenario.
3. Make sure any tests are registered as this will show the custodians that there is testing taking place with your scenario.
4. Any problems or queries contact Foul. who will do everything he can to help you out.

Note:We are here to help but, we cannot do it for you. Stay in touch. Stay active. It can only help?

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Role of the Designer - by Herr Straße Laufer - 02-15-2010, 01:39 AM
RE: Role of the Designer - by Herr Straße Laufer - 03-05-2010, 07:51 AM

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