Vaevictis Wrote:I like realism in my games, so I welcome all kinds of friction chaos and loss of control. The random movement element is brilliant.
Anyone who has ever moved with a unit know that sh!t happens and you don't always get as far as you want. Unit get lost, but never on our board game where you can see every unit on your side and every road, interction itself.
Unfortunately we're in the minority.
Most players want to pile every possible arty shot on a single hex and when they move a unit they want 100% certainty it makes it to the destinations, often with remaining MPs to switch out of T mode and maybe even get in a shot. THey compain when they use drop and drag and watch in horror as a unit enters a hex with a "friendly Minefiled" as if the senior commander knowing where the mines are should prevent every unit from ever moving it a place where it shouldn't go.