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Wired Bridge rule question for Glenn.
01-05-2010, 09:37 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-05-2010, 10:24 AM by Glenn Saunders.)
RE: Wired Bridge rule question for Glenn.
Given what you are saying, I would say the game code is working as designed.

Wired Bridges came into the series with MG44 where bridges manned by a handful of men, not even represented by a game counter did blow bridges in the faces of Allied units.

While designing Scns I had occasion where a German PzG Units was trying to block Hells Highway and in doing so, capture and blow a bridge. This I found couldn't be done and this was when I learned from John his intent was to not allow the Germans to "double dip" if you will on the Bridge demolition issue.

Of course the Allies wouldn't really have occasion to blow and bridges in MG44.

Then, when France 40 came along, I again used the wired bridges feature and this started out more as a means for Bridges over Streams in the Ardennes - which in turn just cost the Axis additional MPs an slow them down to perhaps a more historical rate. What this was simulating was more road damage, trees fallen over forest roads.

Of course the Wired Bridges extend beyond the Ardennes and here I was trying to combat somehing I saw (and heard complaints about) in Sicily. Here the German Player went on such a bridge blowing spree that, even though he was often cutting off his own troops, the extensive Bride blowing was so greatas to neutralize the Allied advance. My goal with France 40 was to not allow this "Damn the Army - Blow the Bridges" as to become a gamey way to win.

Now generally the German Army is on the advance in France 40, but if they have occasion to blow a bridge the old fashion way, then I would say so be it - Go for it.

Anyway - there is the design intent for the rule and why it works as it does. Blow bridges is normally a valid tact for the defender and we don't want to allow them too much flexibility.

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RE: Wired Bridge rule question for Glenn. - by Glenn Saunders - 01-05-2010, 09:37 AM

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