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Alt Version of K44 - Community Request
01-03-2009, 06:38 PM,
c_Question Mark  Alt Version of K44 - Community Request
Hi All,

As mentioned in the other K44_Alt thread we are a fair way through completing the conversion of all the stock scenarios to _Alt standard.

That said this is probably one of the most difficult of games to play due to the German counter density - yet it should also be one of the most exciting due to the operational situation.

So as the _Alt work wraps up, I am looking at what is involved to convert at least one campaign game across to a more manageble scale.

I would like to get the communities thoughts on what path to take - particularly those that have played K44 before. This is a MAJOR undertaking and we have one shot at getting it right so I welcome your opinions.

To get you thinking here are some thoughts ;

- Should ONLY Panzer / PzG units be reduced in unit numbers, ie. leave Infantry as is?

- Should All German units be consolidated ie, remove all HW units

- there are large areas to cover on the map - reducing unit density too much may make it impossible to defend long frontages.

- Currently the average Panzer Division has 80-90 units(!)

- Using the Minsk/Kursk approach this would drop to 35-40

- Use an interim approach where platoons are removed and grouped and equipment standardised, yet still leave HQ's etc in place to form Kampfgruppe. This drops the unit count to 60 all up and down to 42 when grouped as battalions

- I have an OOB and test file that shows this approach - a current game Panzer Division, a consolidated Panzer Division and a fully combined Panzer Division. As I can't work out how to attach it, I can email it out to anyone that is interested...

If you could please post all your thoughts and comments here so we can ensure they are taken into account.

David 'Strela' Freer
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Alt Version of K44 - Community Request - by Strela - 01-03-2009, 06:38 PM

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