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Realistic Artillery Management - FOO Rule
11-24-2008, 07:47 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-24-2008, 07:58 AM by Cross.)
RE: Realistic Artillery Management - FOO Rule
It seems like the goal here is to come up with an alternative FOO rule that allows for sheafs and is simple to understand. Once this is accomplished it would need to be play tested.

After reading through all of the suggested changes to my preliminary suggestion, how about this:

1. FOO and A0 HQ may control artillery.

1b.Company commanders may control up to a platoon of mortars that are attached to their company.

Otherwise you could buy artillery assets, attach them to your five companies and effectively have 6 FOOs.

2. Only one target ‘sheaf’ per controller may be plotted at a time. You cannot start another ‘sheaf’ until the first is cancelled.

Personally, I think making batteries stay in the same sheaf will add an additional layer of complexity that I’m trying to avoid. I see the realism of the suggestion, but IRL didn't troops - not batteries - always had the same fire mission?

3. FOO may plot a sheaf by targeting guns within 2 hexes of any other plot.
FOO can cluster his guns, plot them in a line, a circle and even a curve, as long as each plot is within 100m of any of his other plots.

Do we limit the size of a sheaf? IMO, this adds complexity and doesn’t add realism. Sheaf sizes are already limited by the amount of artillery you have on call.

4. Whenever a controller chooses to correct, ‘creep’ or adjust fire, he must plot his guns according to rule number 3.

Is this an issue:

A. Controller does not have to adjust his plots.


B. Controller must adjust his plots every turn to make sure they abide by rule 3.

5. Plots may be dropped or added to the sheaf at any time. As long as the sheaf continues to abide by rule number 3.

This will keep it simple; and if a controller is only overseeing one sheaf he should be able to handle artillery coming on or off line.


It still has only 5 points!!!

If I left out any suggestions, please feel free to make your case, critique, suggest changes and build consensus.
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RE: Realistic Artillery Management - FOO Rule - by Cross - 11-24-2008, 07:47 AM

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