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Player Profile #23 Kharkov.
08-16-2008, 08:05 AM,
Player Profile #23 Kharkov.
What is your real name?
Bill Cations

How did you decide upon your Blitz nickname?
I admire the planning and leadership skills displayed by von Manstein during WW2. IMHO he was the most talented German high level commander throughout the war. So my first choice of a nickname was "Manstein" on the various forums I frequent. But I discovered that was taken. One of my favourite Manstein battles is Kharkov--Manstein's " backhand blow". So Kharkov it was.

What ladders are you represented on?
HPS Operational Campaigns and American Civil War (barely). I played a few HPS ACW games but I badly missed some of things we take for granted in the PzC series such as the movement range button

What is your favourite PC War-game?
War in the Pacific. I love the historical detail, down to individual pilot names, and the large scale of the conflict. And yes the ability to play the entire Pacific war one day at a time. It's crazy ! I haven't ventured into a PBEM game yet, but I will one day.

But of course I also love Panzer Campaigns for its attention to detail and playability.

Who has been your hardest opponent?
Well my most difficult opponent has been von Waldenburg. After a number of turns when I got comprehensively stomped on I became curious about his playing record. It all become clearer after checking his stats on the ladder. He has a 100% win record. Be warned.

Mike Bowen has also given me some tough but highly enjoyable games. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mike and also Dave68124 for introducing me to the joys and terrors of PBEM gaming . When I came out of Boot Camp they both very kindly took me in hand and guided me through my first few games.I still remember Dave's advice ( albeit often too late): watch your flanks ! watch your flanks !

How long have you been a member of the Blitz?
Since May 2005

What War interests you the most?
WW2 because of its vast scope, variety of weaponry, and involvement of so many nations.

If you could choose to be present at one military historical event what would it be?
The Kokoda Trail campaign in New Guinea in 1942 because of its historical and emotional importance for Australians

What is your favourite War movie?
Das Boot ( Directors Cut)

What do you snack on while gaming?
Most of my gaming is done just before and just after dinner so I usually have one or two large glasses of South Australian red wine while I watch my troops being slaughtered in the replay of my opponents turn. Sometimes it is necessary to have more than one or two glasses to calm the nerves.

What is your favourite and least favourite aspect of the Blitz website?
My favourite aspect is the civility displayed in the forums ( well at least in the PzC forum which I inhabit most) in these uncivil times. I have not witnessed any flame wars or trolling. This is a credit to the members and to the moderators.

And of course I very much appreciate the opportunity which the website has provided to me to establish and maintain contact with some wonderful people.

It is also a very informative website with useful information on many aspects of wargaming.

No aspect of the website that I don't like.

Do you own any war memorabilia?

What is the best military book you have read?
Fiction : the English translation of Das Boot (the Cassell Military Paperback edition) by Lothar-Gunther Bucheim

Non-fiction : Winston Churchill's six volume Second World War. Not only is the scope vast but it is a joy to read. The clarity and precision of Churchill's writing is outstanding.

What do you think was the single most important event of WWII?
I think the really important military events were the victories achieved by the Allies against the odds when the Axis were at their strongest.

European theatre : The RAF giving the Luftwaffe a black eye in the Battle of Britain in 1940.

Pacific theatre : Battle of Midway

And two very important events for Australians: (1) Turning back the Japanese on the Kokoda trail in New Guinea in 1942. The heroic stand by a single Australian militia battalion ( 39 Battalion) was remarkable. (2) The Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942 when the US Navy forced the recall of a Japanese troop convoy en route for Port Moresby New Guinea. If Port Moresby had fallen the perception at the time was that Australia would have been directly threatened. The gratitude felt by many Australians to the US Navy helped to form the basis for a close friendship with the US which persists to this day.

What is the most interesting military documentary you have ever watched?
Ken Burns The Civil War

Which is your favourite HPS PzC title?
1.Sicily. This is a really interesting campaign game. The Allies have numerical superiority and the Axis have the terrain. The map is wonderful with great detail and plenty of room to maneuver.

2. Smolensk

Are there any war games catching your eye at present?
Yes :

1. An update of War in the Pacific--the Admirals Edition--is due out some time this year

2. Matrix are working on an update to Bombing the Reich, another Gary Grigsby monster game. This is another joy for detail freaks with more than 25,000 individual pilot names and the option of playing the entire European bombing campaign by the RAF and the USAAF in a mere 700 turns ! Great.

3. World in Flames, another game being developed by Matrix.

What piece of wisdom would you like to pass on to your fellow Blitz members?

Enjoy the games as approximations of historical events, not just as games. Winning isn't really that important. Take time to savour the great maps and the detailed OOBs. If you are getting caned in a long campaign enjoy the small victories that will come your way.
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Messages In This Thread
Player Profile #23 Kharkov. - by Mr Grumpy - 08-16-2008, 08:05 AM
RE: Player Profile #23 Kharkov. - by Mr Grumpy - 08-16-2008, 08:14 AM
RE: Player Profile #23 Kharkov. - by Mike Bowen - 08-18-2008, 10:29 PM
RE: Player Profile #23 Kharkov. - by Mr Grumpy - 08-19-2008, 01:58 AM
RE: Player Profile #23 Kharkov. - by Mike Bowen - 08-19-2008, 10:10 PM
RE: Player Profile #23 Kharkov. - by Mr Grumpy - 08-20-2008, 01:56 AM
RE: Player Profile #23 Kharkov. - by Mike Bowen - 08-20-2008, 05:58 AM
RE: Player Profile #23 Kharkov. - by Mr Grumpy - 08-20-2008, 06:08 AM
RE: Player Profile #23 Kharkov. - by Kharkov - 08-22-2008, 06:40 PM
RE: Player Profile #23 Kharkov. - by Mr Grumpy - 08-22-2008, 10:40 PM

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