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France 1940 Mod B - No peeking Marshall Antoni :)
05-11-2008, 03:11 AM,
RE: France 1940 Mod B - No peeking Marshall Antoni :)
Sorry for the delay, myself and Antoni were in one of those classic cases when both of us was expecting a file from the other. Anyway, back to the battle.

Turn 2:
And the good news is that following the terror bombing of Holland the Dutch have surrendered, disbanding their army which nicely frees up my 18th Army in the north to join in the coastal thrust into Belgium and ultimately towards Calais.

[Image: France02.jpg]

As you can see I have pocketed some Belgium forces in the north at Turnhout, and mopped up some more north of Liege. Other Belgium forces are being caught in pincers east of Brussels, and I hope to thrust down on the Belgium capital to try and trigger the surrender event. Further south I hope to pocket the line formed at Sedan and I have also started to clear the northerly fortress units of the Maiginot Line, to make manouevre easier in this area. I continue to leave a significant line facing the rest of the Maginot in case Antoni has any idea about invading my southern flank.

Antoni has started to move the BEF to form a line north east of Paris away from the coast, and he is moving French armour out of Paris to add to this north-line. This looks like a reaction to my massive push through the Ardennes. But in doing so he leaves the Channel coast looking a bit open to a push by the 18th Army and supporting troops. I may now switch my emphasis to the north coast and try and flank Paris in the process, instead of trying to frontally attack Antoni's defensive line. Also the channel ports give me nice shock advantages. Only two turns and my initial plan looks as if it might be changing. What would be really nice in the next turn or two was if the Belgium forces capitulated. It looks like with this Mod, that there is no event for the withdrawal of the BEF or the surrender of France with the fall of Paris. So all out attack is a dangerous game as the Allies could counter as the shock effects wear off later in the game.

Happy with the initial two turns, and managed to keep the majority of my troops fresh.
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RE: France 1940 Mod B - No peeking Marshall Antoni :) - by cillmhor - 05-11-2008, 03:11 AM

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