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Sicily 43 DAR (No peeking Herr Antoni)
04-23-2008, 07:34 PM,
RE: Sicily 43 DAR (No peeking Herr Antoni)
Turns 8 and 9:

I have mopped up the Assietta Division and now move the US 7th Army west and northwest to surround Palermo where Antoni has assembled one Italian Division, the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division and at least another division's worth of low-grade Italian troops to defend the historic town.

In the east the 8th Army stalls on the slopes of Mount Etna north of Catania , however, the 1st Canadian moves up the western approach to Messina and the 51st Highland moves through a mountain pass trying to flank the Etna defenders.

[Image: Sicily11.jpg]

Supply shortages beset me everywhere, not sure if the scenario has an event which improves the Allies situation? Once again, this is spot on historically, as it was a lack of trucks and supplies which stalled the invasion in the early days. Many of my forces are down to 33% readiness and have very limited supplies.

They will not attack some of Antoni's units trapped on badlands and hill hexes, not sure why? They are infantry units, and so I assumed they would attack units on hills. Is it due to the lack of readiness, does anyone know. I tried to find it in the manual, but I could not find anything. It just means these units of Antoni's are trapped on the badlands, but I cannot eliminate them either. The units that cannot attack onto hills, can attack onto clear.

I now stand at an overwhelming victory, but I have not taken the two key objectives of Palermo and Messina, which doesn't feel right given the importance of these two towns. I could now just sit tight in defensive positions and gain a victory. But with 34 turns to go, I think I will refit and then attack. So stand by for a few turns with little or nothing happening. I will give some sporadic updates.
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RE: Sicily 43 DAR (No peeking Herr Antoni) - by cillmhor - 04-23-2008, 07:34 PM

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