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Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
04-05-2008, 03:22 AM,
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav
It was kind of a good news/bad news turn this time round. The good news is I was able to deal with a major pain, the bad news is that "bad news comes in 3's" saying,.... well I now know what the 3rd bit of bad luck is.
After I wrote the last update to this DAR, I decided that I would take out the house that his T-34 was behind. I was going to have to deal with him sooner or later and after the last round felt that he might be ripe for the picking. The T-34 was concentrating on my men about to advance through the smoke, he may have put a covered arc on it to keep it's turret that way as well. If so now was the time to go for it. I chose to take that house out and deny him cover. I would have to wait for the dust to clear and then I might be able to get a good shot at him.
I had 1 Pz take down the house, there was a squad in it so that was a bonus. It only took a couple of shots as it was already damaged a fair bit. The dust from the building collapse does not let me get a LOS to the T-34.
[Image: picture13.png]
The dust from the rubbled house does not last long. I will have to check out the weather as I expected the dust to last longer then that. I manage to get a couple of rounds off, the first two miss the mark and the T-34, still with it's hatch down finally picks up my threat and starts to swing it's turret my way. The turn clock ticks away 57... 58... . His gun aims.... BAM, both of my Pz's get a second shot in before time runs out. Both score hits, but I do not know if he is out of action or not as there is no time left. Chances of him taking 2 shots from this close range is not good, but I will have to let the Pz's fire away 'till they confirm a kill.
[Image: picture14.png]
Back in the trees, my lead platoon from Group C is fighting for it's life. My HQ gets ROUTED but his morale+1 keeps him together and he setttles down and goes PINNED with not amoment to spare. He rallies one squad and stops the route. Now I will work him back to the flag. I have a ATR team moving through the trees as well, tring to position themselves to get a good flank shot at the T-60s.
His platoon in yellow continues to fire at my 2nd Group C platoon, but he is too far away to have any effect as they have not bad cover at the moment. I am still hitting them with small HE from my mortars and MG fire. I can not suppress them all at once but seem to be able to keep 3/4s of them heads down.
The green platoon is unknown to me right now. I have not had contact with them in 2 turns. I am assuming that they are SNEAKing towards the flag near my squad and HQ. If i have any chance of keeping this flag, I have to get my armour into help out in this area.
[Image: picture15.png]
Remember that 3rd bit of bad luck, I was talking about?.... Well here it is. I let loose over 70 rounds of smoke and to my horror nitice that every enemy squad that can shoot at me effectively, somehow keeps LOS. Now you would think that 107th would have mercy and not fire at my men strolling across open ground, but he apparently is not that type, and he not only let's his men shoot at my guys but targets with that Pesky T-34 before I was able to get it's attention with some well placed AP. When the dust settles, 1/2 my advance is in shambles but as I am now out of smoke I decide to press on with the other Romanian platoon, albeit with a slightly modified route.
And did I forget to mention the Russian air support that fired at one of my Pz's? And just after I get my quad AA gun hooked up to the truck, so now I am into quick set-up of that gun again, 44 seconds away.
[Image: picture16.png]
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Messages In This Thread
Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 03-23-2008, 07:30 PM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 03-24-2008, 08:22 AM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 03-24-2008, 09:10 AM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Colonel Talvela - 03-25-2008, 01:34 AM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 03-24-2008, 01:05 PM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 03-25-2008, 02:55 AM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 03-26-2008, 05:59 AM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Colonel Talvela - 03-26-2008, 03:54 PM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 03-26-2008, 05:21 PM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 03-27-2008, 06:05 PM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 03-30-2008, 05:49 PM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 04-02-2008, 06:08 AM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 04-05-2008, 03:22 AM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 04-06-2008, 01:44 PM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 04-07-2008, 08:33 AM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 04-09-2008, 05:31 PM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 04-11-2008, 05:06 AM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Colonel Talvela - 04-14-2008, 11:14 AM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Maakt Droog - 04-14-2008, 11:26 AM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Ratzki - 04-14-2008, 03:58 PM
RE: Ratzki's DAR vs 107thCav - by Der Kuenstler - 04-14-2008, 11:31 PM

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