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Player Profile #14 Landser34
04-02-2008, 07:22 AM,
Thumbs_Up  Player Profile #14 Landser34
What is your real name?
Dennis Suttman.

How did you decide upon your Blitz nickname?
Well I was In the Infantry when I was in the 82ndAbn and also was In the Infantry in the Marine Corps and German Nickname for an Infantryman was Landser and the 34 came from my unit when I was in the Corps 3^rd Bn.4^th Marines. Hence Landser34.

What ladders are you represented on?
Have Played games on Campaign Series ,ACW Combat Mission,OPC, Squad Battles, but mostly play Panzer Campaigns.

What is your favourite PC War-game?
Any of the Hps games that I have, I must like them to keep playing as many games that I have Played.

Who has been your hardest opponent?
That’s a tough one to call I would say Von Waldenberg, RickyB and a lot others, just to many to list look at my record.

How long have you been a member of the Blitz?

What War interests you the most?
World War II with WWI and the Civil War very close 2nd and 3rd.

If you could choose to be present at one military historical event what would it be?
To be at Cemetery Ridge watching the Rebel Army Crossing
that open ground and getting blasted the whole way across the field
until they close with the Union Army.

What is your favourite War movie?
Tough to pick one but here are just a couple Cross of Iron,We Were
Soldiers, Blackhawk Down.

What do you snack on while gaming?
Pretzels and Coke.

What is your favourite and least favourite aspect of the Blitz website?
Favourite thing is to get to know and play these games with people all across the globe.

Least Favourite, nothing really.

Do you own any war memorabilia?
Yes have some of Granddad’s and a couple of his brothers uniforms from WWII.

What is the best military book you have read?
Paul Carrel’s Books on Germans during WWII ,first hand accounts,
Outstanding all of them.

What do you think was the single most important event of WWII?
Hitler Declaring War On the Untied States.

What is the most interesting military documentary you have ever watched?
Ken Burns Series The Civil War and the old World at War Series and
Victory at Sea, now that I finally got the Military Channel.

Which is your favourite HPS PzC title?
Right now I like **Minsk** 44.

Are there any war games catching your eye at present?
Whatever Hps Comes out with, but you don’t know what they are coming out with until they are ready to be sold.

What piece of wisdom would you like to pass on to your fellow Blitz members?
Play as much and with as many people that you can, you can learn things from the best players and also some of the not so great players.

Most Important thing is to have fun... Win, Lose or Draw its only a game.
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Messages In This Thread
Player Profile #14 Landser34 - by Mr Grumpy - 04-02-2008, 07:22 AM
RE: Player Profile #14 Landser34 - by Ricky B - 04-02-2008, 08:01 AM
RE: Player Profile #14 Landser34 - by ernest82 - 04-26-2008, 03:23 AM
RE: Player Profile #14 Landser34 - by alaric99x - 04-26-2008, 07:49 AM
RE: Player Profile #14 Landser34 - by Landser34 - 04-26-2008, 02:52 PM

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