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Rating scenarios without any self reflection
10-26-2007, 04:55 AM,
RE: Rating scenarios without any self reflection
I just cannot contain myself on this one.... I have designed over 150 scn's and co-designed another 25 or more with Chema. I never one took any critique personally. Yes there have been a few this sucks or it is unbalanced but I take it with a grain of salt. Not many wish to spend weeks or months play testing the same scn again and again. It is even harder to get others to provide valid feed back on scn's and the changes that need to be made. Much of the time that feedback is critical to balance a scn or to make it playable for the masses.

When play testing with Jumbo, it was a major challenge to get it balanced because of how great a player he is. We had to go to a mirrored play approach and see how we each did and discuss the changes in detail. I have had some very harsh critism from some of the play testers that felt it was not realistic enough, historically accurate enough, or just plain fun enough. Some when away and pouted or became abusive if I did not implement their exact changes. In the end I am doing this for the 1400 good eggs on this brd and not the 4-5 :censored: holes.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and even to be passionate about it. In a resent debate Huib was pretty passionate if I remember correctly and although I did not agree with his opinions 100% I did read them all and would fight all day for his right to voice them even if they did come across strong. The ranking and comments area for scn's is no different. Everyone has their idea of fun and some are more passionate and critical than others. If I let those few get to me then the 1400 other members would never benefit from the efforts of myself and others and DGVN among other new work would never exist.

Take it with a grain of salt and have another beer. Things always look better through the bottom end of a beer mug.

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RE: Rating scenarios without any self reflection - by majog - 10-26-2007, 04:55 AM

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