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Player Profile #3 Al
10-06-2007, 03:49 AM,
Smile  Player Profile #3 Al
What is your name?
Al Woods

How did you decide upon your Blitz nickname?
Just use my first name.

What ladders are you represented on?
Panzer Campaigns & ACW

What is your favourite PC War-game?
Panzer/Modern Campaigns

Who has been your hardest opponent?
That's a hard question to answer. My most frequent opponent is Dave68124. He's very good.

How long have you been a member of the Blitz?
It will be 5 years this December.

What War interests you the most?

If you could choose to be present at one historical event what would it be?
The Last Supper.

What is your favourite War movie?
Non-WW2 – tie between "Zulu" & Lawrence of Arabia. WW2 movie – "Sink the Bismarck".

What do you snack on while gaming?
M&M's and beer.

What is your favourite and least favourite aspect of the Blitz website?
Most favourite – the people I have met. Least favourite – sometimes people are a little overzealous on the forum in their opinions, but it's not a major deal.

Do you own any war memorabilia?

What is the best military book you have read?
Another tough question because I have read many good military books. However, I recently finished reading "Guadalcanal" by Richard Frank which is probably one of the, if not the most definite account of that battle. I have read some books by Harry Yeide which are also good read on WW2 US Tank & TD units.

What do you think was the single most important event of WWII?
The German invasion of Poland because of the terrible series of events it set into motion.

What is the most interesting documentary you have ever watched?
I have recently watched "Embedded '45" and the Battlefield episode covering the Crimean campaign. Both are excellent.

Which is your favourite HPS PzC title?
Korsun '44, if I have to name one.

Are there any war games catching your eye at present?
I am anxiously awaiting the next in the Modern Campaign series that will cover southern Germany. I spent 3 years serving in that area in the mid'80s so I have a special interest in seeing that title.

What piece of wisdom would you like to pass on to your fellow Blitz members?
Only to say that I try to play the games are a military commander would. I try not to do any crazy, ahistorial things even though the game system would allow it. For me the challenge of fighting the battle is more important than the win, although I do try to play to achieve the objectives.
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Player Profile #3 Al - by Mr Grumpy - 10-06-2007, 03:49 AM

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