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Normandy (6 June-19 August) AAR
09-18-2007, 08:19 PM, (This post was last modified: 09-18-2007, 08:22 PM by Indragnir.)
RE: Normandy (6 June-19 August) AAR
7 June. 22.00 (Allied turn) 6366 VP. Allies Major Defeat.

82th ABD takes Orglandes against 91th Luftlande D.
101th ABD crossed the Douved above Carentan. Fighting against Carentan defenders (Fallsch Rgt 6). Takes Azeville bunker system.
4th ID at the very doors of Montenburg, figting through bocage against 91th Luftlande
90th ID takes Fontenay sur Mer by 22.00

Situations is getting better, early in the morning Colleville bunker fell under restless assaults.
Surrain taken by 10.00.
St Honorine des Pertes surrounded by 12.00 and taken by 22.00
Formingy taken by 12.00.
Longueville, Bellefontaine and Louviere taken by 18.00
29th ID takes Treviers and Mandeville by 20.00
Vierville bunker system still holds by 22.00

Arromanches taken by concentrated assaults of 50th ID by 02.00
79th ArD takes Bayeux by 22.00
50th ID and 8th ArB cut main road between Caen and Bayeux. Half a dozen minor villages taken.
22th ArB (Desert Rats): attack through Bayeux against German 352th ID and Schnelle Brig. 30
4th ArB gathering.

2nd Canadian ArB entered Caen, inflicting heavy loses.
3rd Canadian ID pushing 21st PzD PG’s out of Caen.
51th ID closing to Caen.
By 22.00 Caen is in allied hands.

Douvres Pocket:
Langrune bunker taken by 02.00.
Another bunker taken by 12.00.
Lion sur Mer bunker taken by 14.00,
Douvres bunker taken by 16.00
Strong point bunker between Taileville y Douvres taken by assault by 20.00
Only 1 strong point still holds.

1st SSB, 27th ArB and 3rd ID shifts to help 6th ABD.
Herouville (outskirts of Caen) reached early in the morning.

Orne-Canal de Caen area:

By 02.00 21st PzD and 12th SS PzD show their faces, with a strong joint attack against the sleeping paras.
From 02.00 to 16.00 heavy air and naval fire rained upon them, quickly 3rd ID and Commandos from SSBs, joined the fierce fight, causing many losses, AT guns and concentrated fire from massed 27th ArB decimated some german tanks companies.
By 16.00 german attack fall back, later they reagruped and starts a long range tank fire exchange. Commonwealth infantry advance, pressing german panzer grenadiers.
6th ABD is put to rest after their sector gentle defense.

Overall day report: 7 June was a great day for the invasion force: Mortenburg line reached, Carentan under attack, 80% of Omaha taken, Bayeux taken, the main road between Caen and Bayeux cutted, the greastet achievement: Caen is in Allied hands, a really strong panzer counterattack repulsed (one batt Mk4 from 21st PzD and both armor batts from 12th SS PzD were used plus plenty of PG infantry and support) and now Allied are a few km of Steelworks.
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Messages In This Thread
Normandy (6 June-19 August) AAR - by Indragnir - 09-10-2007, 10:14 PM
RE: Normandy (6 June-19 August) AAR - by bdtj1815 - 09-11-2007, 02:30 AM
RE: Normandy (6 June-19 August) AAR - by Aolain - 09-12-2007, 11:09 AM
RE: Normandy (6 June-19 August) AAR - by Indragnir - 09-18-2007, 08:19 PM
RE: Normandy (6 June-19 August) AAR - by bdtj1815 - 09-29-2007, 03:04 AM

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