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Axis supply in African Campaign 1942
09-02-2007, 07:59 PM,
RE: Axis supply in African Campaign 1942
Yes, things did look rosy on turn 40. It's the proficiency of most of my Italians that makes a concerted attack at best risky. Supply is pretty good among the infantry, but among the armour units supply is very low 30% or lower in most cases (I can only assume that historic fuel shortages is the answer). I make a couple of probing attacks in the areas you suggested, only to find FOW reveal a lot more units in support behind - a cunning allied AI ruse to get me to commit troops into the traps? Also Allied air power has more or less rendered the Luftwaffe a non-factor.

And so I dig in again in the hope of holding onto what I've got. Then comes the news that Monty has arrived and Allies are receiving floods of reinforcements. Next comes the Allied attack which sweeps my still recovering troops backwards. The Italians provide some resitance, but tactical withdrawal to line on Bab el Qattara and around Ghazal Station (see map) allowed me to hold on for a draw. The remains of the 21st Panzer Division (whose armour had almost no supply/fuel?) was pushed back with ease and left to leg it into the desert on 1% supply.

I enjoyed the game, but in hindsight I think I should have attacked the less prepared lines in and around turn 20-25 when my troops were admittedly ill-prepared, but I suspect the Allies were equally ill-prepared at that time. I also now think I should have sent troops beyond Tobruk a lot earlier and left some less mobile troops there to grind it down. It appeared to me that the 2 SA divisions I destroyed in Tobruk reappeared in Egypt at full strength!

Now I'm off to try The Last Stand in Africa (The Tunisian Campaign). I can provide a sort of ARR, with questions from me as a new player, if that is the sort of thing that would appeal to anyone? Where would I post an AAR on this board? The help would be very welcome, as I am still getting to grips with the game mechanics, despite having the manual!

Thanks for your help.


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RE: Axis supply in African Campaign 1942 - by cillmhor - 09-02-2007, 07:59 PM

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