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Axis supply in African Campaign 1942
09-02-2007, 12:41 AM,
RE: Axis supply in African Campaign 1942
cillmhor Wrote:Okay so I have finally got round to playing TOW and after a few smaller scenarios and trying to get to grips with the game against the AI, I tried a bigger campaign in the WWII desert, my favourite arena since Vulcan the Tunisian Campaign and Desert Rats on the ZX Spectrum in the 1980s.

I just wondered how more experienced players would advise on the Axis supply problem once the Alamein line has been reached and the Malta suppy issue kicks in? I'm on turn 40 (early October 1942) and so it is probably too late anyway, but anyone else's experience on this one would be welcome. I made fairly quick work of Tobruk and all points east, I thought, on my way to El Alamein and got my troops there by around turn 20. I then waited for scheduled reinforcements and troops to regain supply and readiness etc before launching my first attacks. But then the supply shortages kicked in and my panzers were sitting without hope of receiving more fuel.

I now sit awaiting the Allied attack and am hanging on to a marginal victory. Is bypassing Tobruk with some panzer divisions the way to go?

Thanks in advance for any advice and I look forward to hopefully trying a PBEM or two with some of you in the future when I have had more XP against the AI.



What may be hurting you is the historical sinking of Axis tankers.

Also can your HQ units trace a direct line of supply to their supply hexes ?
Antoni ChmielowskigGames Played : WiTP-AE, TOAW3,Gary Grigsbys War in The East/ War In The West
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RE: Axis supply in African Campaign 1942 - by Antoni Chmielowski - 09-02-2007, 12:41 AM

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