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Coil whups CT, a memoir in advance (Colonels Keep Out!)
06-12-2007, 01:51 PM,
Coil whups CT, a memoir in advance (Colonels Keep Out!)
So I'm going to try to win this battle using only one mortar halftrack and no other units. If I were CT, I'd just put all my men on move and walk them to the end of the map.

(Just in case CT sneaks in here to see what I'm up to, that should throw him off the scent ;))

Forces picked - I picked working on a few assumptions:

1) CT is way better than me. His W-L record is scary, he pays attention to detail, and he probably actually knows the difference between all them panzer models (which puts him way ahead of me). I suspect in a straight up, balanced battle, I'd get destroyed. My best hope is to throw something he doesn't expect at him...

2) Any time someone suggests unrestricted forces, they have some sort of sneaky plan to take some extreme loadout of units that they think will give them some sort of advantage over their unsuspecting rube opponent (in this case, CT happens to be right).

Given that, my best hope is to pick some even more extreme loadout. If you take the 'paper, scissors, rock' approach to CM, his extreme loadout might have him heavy on 'rock' units, for example. I'm hoping I pick a loadout heavy on 'paper' units, giving me a big advantage. Of course, not knowing what he has, I'm equally likely to end up with 'scissor' units. But that puts us back at random: 50-50 chance I end up with the big advantage. When playing someone better than you, 50-50 is pretty good odds... I'm being realistic, not pessimistic here...

So, starting with those assumptions, several thoughts occur to me:

1) First, I consider the conscript LMG and AA gun defense. 100 LMGs and 50 20mm AA guns, all easily bought with 1500pts. Several things going for it: He wouldn't expect it, it would be highly amusing, and I think it would actually be pretty formidable. Always wanted to try it, but to work, your opponent would have to not expect it, and I've never been that willing to annoy someone just to test it. Maybe I'll try it on Nort next time we play - he's my current test lab for extreme force picks... Anyway, I discard it as a bit to silly, even for me.

2) Second, the armor heavy pick - 2 platoons of Stugs, one of PzIVH's. Should be easy to take out whatever armor he has, enough HE left over to hold down his infantry. Only leaves enough points for a bare minimum of supporting infantry, but it usually surprises the attacker when the defender has the greater amount of armor. Also, in my experience, infantry fights tend to go to the more experienced player, whereas armor is more of a toss of the dice. This favors me. However, I don't go this way, as it leaves me a little too infantry light for my comfort, as well as a few reasons noted below:

3) Option 3 - this is what I went with. The regular mountain recon battalion. My reasoning goes like this: I chose Axis - most people assume the (relatively) new guy who picks Axis is enamored of uber-tanks, or at least is going to show up with plenty of Stugs or Hetzers or something. I expect CT to show up with plenty of stuff to blow up tanks, this will give him nothing to shoot at with those assests. Also gives me plenty of infantry to litter the field with and slow his advance, as well as lots of HMGs and plenty of guns to take care of any armor. Other battalion picks were either out of reach points-wise or didn't give me supporting units to my liking. Would've liked to grab a SMG battalion (there can actually be quite a few trees on a mod trees/rural map), but they just didn't quite fit. A few AT mines, a wooden MG bunker (set me a little AT trap with it, I will), and some LMGs (forward scouts to try to pick off incoming sniper/scouts I fully expect CT to be sending) round out my pick.

Hoping CT shows up with lots of AT assests, and I can stall off his advance with lots of infantry. 35 turns straight up doesn't give him a ton of time to attack, if I can slow him down a bit, should be able to win even without outshooting him.

We shall see...

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Coil whups CT, a memoir in advance (Colonels Keep Out!) - by The Coil - 06-12-2007, 01:51 PM

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