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New discussion: What was your first computer?
01-27-2007, 05:28 AM,
RE: New discussion: What was your first computer?
Grumbler Wrote:FPS's are so boooooring. Plus as you get older and you eyesight gets worse and your reflexs go in the shitter, games where you have time to squint at the screen and figure out just what those little squiggles are become more interesting. There are no AI's worth playing. Period. The first guy that can do an AI that can beat a human without cheating (level playing field, with the AI and the HI having the same data set) will make billions from the US Military. There are people working on it as we sit here and type. The US military already has robots doing combat missions. They need humans to watch over them. Politicians would love to have robats they could send into combat instead of voters children. That don't need a van full of technicians and a data link to make them work. I bring this up because SP is the best way us elderly gentlemen can fight each other in a humane and civilized manner. It's MUCH more interesting then Chess and doesn't require the reflex times of Ghost Recon or Doom ( I know It's old, but it was my favorite shooter back in the day).

I know there was a company out there that was trying to create a learning AI for a game called ROAD TO MOSCOW. The game was regimental or division level I believe. The computer had a set of tactics, but it would also learn from the human what worked and save those strategies for next time for it to use. That would have been a cool game. Unfortunetly it never got past the BETA stage.
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RE: New discussion: What was your first computer? - by Weasel - 01-27-2007, 05:28 AM

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