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Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
12-30-2006, 10:35 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-31-2006, 01:41 AM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr - Toten Tanz vs. Rupert Turn 9

Divisional artillery strikes on American positions in Weyer and on Irschermuhl Ridge caused moderate casualties to American forces. H&I artillery was fired into the Rauwiller area, to disrupt any American preparation for a counter attack against KG Muhler.

3 Co, 1 Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg. consolidated its position 1KM North of Rauwiller. Meanwhile, 2 Co. advanced from the West. 500M from the town it found American AT guns, and their transport HTs. 2 Co. destroyed the transports, and one of the gun batteries. The other battery, and an MG platoon drove 2 Co back with accurate fire. 1 Co, was held in reserves, loaded in its HTs. 5 Co., II Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg 130 was dispatched back west towards Kirrberg, to defend against an anticipated American counter attack.

To the West of KG Muhler, units were deployed in anticipation of an American counter attack from the West bank of the Sarre, as well. Units were sent to Postoff to defend the town. The trail units of Panzer Lehr began to arrive from Sarre-Union, to the North, and were immediately deployed in Wolfskirchen, to defend the town, and the river crossings along the Sarre.

Det 2, Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 and the accompanying JgdPz IVs continued its advance on Drulingen, on the far NE edge of the Panzer Lehr front. No resistance was encountered. 2 platoons of Flamen HTs were brought forward to support the advance.

KG Otzenberger continued to press it attacks on Weyer and Ischermuhl Ridge. fighting was heavy, and casualties mounted on both sides. In Weyer, the foothold in the village was holding, and more men were brought forward for its defense. As this happened, more units were able to bring fire to bear on American units to the east of the village, on the valley floor.

On the ridge, more units were brought on-line, in preparation for one final push to clear the ridge. The Panthers on the high ground to the West of the ridge continued to pummel American units in the area. The PzIIs of Det 1, of Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130 were brought forward from Hirschland to provide flank security for the Panthers.

American artillery strikes poured down on the attacking units of KG Otzenberger. They caused even more casualties and threatened to break the attacks on Weyer and the Ischermuhl ridge. American planes also arrived overhead, again. This time, though they were ineffectual. KG Otzenberger Flak Panzers manged to shoot down 2 attacking aircraft, and caused another strike to miss its mark.

American units in Weyer, and on the ridge followed the effective artillery strikes with local counter attacks. The managed to drive some units back and cause casualties, but were unable to affect the overall tactical situation.

American armor could be seen moving to the SE from Schalbach. They did not move down the road to Rauwiller, and appeared to be rallying out of LOS behind the orchards to the West of the Schalbach. An attack from this area would split Panzer Lehr in two. In Rauwiller itself no significant action took place.

At Fenetrange, on the West side of the Sarre, a sizable American task force advanced to the edge of the town. There were 15 Shermans, 15 SP Howitzers and an assortment of supporting ACs and AA HTs. This force attacked a platoon from II Btl, 951 VlkGdr Reg, which was guarding the bridge across the Sarre; driving it from its position.
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RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread! - by Toten Tanz - 12-30-2006, 10:35 PM

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