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Little Help For The New Guy Uncommon Valor
11-28-2006, 12:57 AM,
RE: Little Help For The New Guy Uncommon Valor
Let me try and answer your questions:

1. Troops making an amphibious attack at a defended base automatically attack on the turn they arrive and at a penalty (for landing). In WitP I am pretty sure that it is a Shock attack as well, but I can't remember if UV does the Shock attack or not. A shock attack is an all-out attack that has a higher chance of forcing retreat or surrender at the cost of higher casualties. Click on the "set all to attack" if you want to include all the combat units at the base.

Amphib attacks at an undefended base or land movement to an enemy-occupied hex do not automatically trigger an attack. You have to tell the troops to engage. Click on one of the land units, then select which type of attack you want, bombardment, deliberate or shock. Bombardments will use indirect fire units only and cause relatively light casualties and supply damage. Deliberate attacks are a moderate attack causing more casualties. Shock attack are as described above. An undefended base will automatically fall to either a deliberate or shock attack (with no casualties but some fatigue), but I don't think a bombardment attack will take even an undefended base.

2. If your carrier TF is set to React to Enemy, they will almost always move towards an enemy fleet. If the TFs are anywhere close in combat size (i.e. number of strike aircraft), it usually means an all-out attack with heavy losses on both sides. WitP lets you set a max react range, but UV does not. React to Enemy is best used when you know you have carrier superiority, or willing to risk losing the entire TF.

However, if you set your carrier TF to Do Not React AND you have a very aggressive TF commander, he can "override" your orders and attack anyway. Most of the time they will hold their ground though and attack from the range they are at based on your movement orders. They may also move a hex or two (but not as much as a full react) to get into air strike range, but not always.

Most of the time, I usually set my carriers to Do Not React and hope that I can position them to carry out effective airstrikes based on the planes attack ranges, etc.

One other note on React to Enemy. Near island chains, you have to be careful setting React to Enemy because carriers in a coastal hex launch less planes, particularly on CAP. So if your carrier "reacts" from a non-coastal hex to a coastal hex, your fleet will most likely get butchered.

3. Planes have to pass several checks to launch raids. They need to pass a "morale" check, so air units with low morale will not always launch. I try to keep my bombers above 75 in morale. Weather, range and anticipated enemy CAP (vs. friendly escort) also plays a factor. Also, air units will usually not launch all their planes for eacha strike. I forget the actual penalties, but I think it depends on supply level at the base, possibly air support, fatigue and morale again. The proximity of Air HQs will also increase the percentage of planes flying. You also need to keep an eye on the number of planes available (i.e. not in repair) for the units, not just total planes. It is possible that your 6 planes are partial strikes from several of the air units.

Regarding standing down units to reduce fatigue and increase/sustain morale. I rarely fly bombers if the weather is either rain or thunderstorms. Rain causes a loss of accuracy and or strike cancellations. Thunderstorms cause strike cancellations and the potential for much more fatigue and op losses. In general, my bombers probably fly about 1-2 strikes per week. The exceptions would be naval attacks and support of landing operations. If I have a big invasion coming, I'll usually prep the area with airstrikes, which might temporarily stretch my bombers, but that is the nature of the beast. However, I find using my bombers just because they are there is usually counterproductive in the long run. The constant operations tend to wear them out/chew up supplies/etc., and then they are not available when I really need them.

Anyway those are some of my throughts on you questions. Welcome to the fold. I think you will find it an interesting game. The learning curve is a little steep, but well worth it.

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RE: Little Help For The New Guy Uncommon Valor - by Mike Abberton - 11-28-2006, 12:57 AM

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