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A Soviet Era Russian Joke
07-30-2006, 12:19 PM,
A Soviet Era Russian Joke
In the grand scenario, "When Boys become men" featuring Herr Ed's thuggish SS vermin versus the blue-eyed, square-jawed defenders of Mother Russin, the great Slavic horde (and that is what it is) continues its relentless push forward, seeking redress for all of the ethnic slurs Ed's so-called blond "super men" have been making. Things like "How many Russian Peasants does it take to change a light bulb?" Answer: "Eh? Vat is light bulb?" or else "The answer is 37. One old gray haired Babushka to notice that the light bulb is burnt out and reporting it to her building's political action committee, six committee members to vote on the issue after doing a week's worth of studies to determine the benefits of replacing the light bulb and why exactly it contributes to the furthering of the world wide revolution, one underfed bureaucrat to fill out three forms in triplicate to order the replacement bulb, two mail clerks in receiving to stamp their approval of the order after obtaining the signature of the regional party chief, five factory workers to sit around doing nothing and still getting paid while a sixth makes the light bulb thus achieving the factory's monthly Red Banner Quota, two communist party hacks getting raises for finally achieving the district's five year plan on light bulbs, one wagon driver from Minsk who picks up the package containing the bulb and then gets lost after dropping by his cousin's place to share a vat of spirits, two more building committee members to receive the bulb closely monitored by twelve agents from the Cheka who verify that the bulb isn't some sort of counter-revolutionary threat to the workers paradise, one badly paid janitor who pockets the light bulb and sells it on the black market after reporting it stolen by brigands and counter-revolutionary elements within the building, one more panicking building committee member who buys the bulb on the black market and takes it up the stairs to the old babushka, and finally, the old babushka's young granddaughter who actually changes out the bulb and finds out that there will be no more electricity for that month due to the town exceeding its power ration for the fourth consecutive time this year.
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Messages In This Thread
A Soviet Era Russian Joke - by Dogovich - 07-30-2006, 12:19 PM
RE: A Soviet Era Russian Joke - by Jeepster777 - 07-30-2006, 12:39 PM

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