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"Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
06-24-2006, 08:26 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
SITREP turn 6

....The collapsing of the bloody command tent disturbed my nap. I had just enjoyed a splendid little snack and desired nothing more than a few quiet minutes with my eyes closed--and bloody Ivans bloody damned bloody artillery starts pounding all over the place.....seems to be random at the moment....oh good-the tent is back up...and my poor intel chief appears to have taken cover in the latrine.....


"Apologies for the aroma...is ANYONE eating roughage or what? In any event sir light activity reported in all sectors at the moment.....To the north of Krupki a forward infantry scout element was taken under fire by several tanks before retreating. Before contact was broken significant numbers of red tanks were spotted barely east of the ridgeline. Some may be moving south of the little village there towards the center where there is a gap in the natural terrain......"

Ivan is finally moving forward. The northern sector is going to take a hit shortly and reports of armor moving south under the cover of the ridgeline indicates he may try a pincer in that area....interesting possibility ja? I pat my tunic pocket for another cigarette....

wave...puff....smoke ring....wave.....

"In the center the lone covering Tiger platoon was finally forced to retreat off the ridgeline after absorbing countless hits from red tanks. Leaving behind one disabled cat they have pulled back into solid cover again. Captain Diestel and his cats also had to pull back from an exposed position covering the plateau's main objective but not before showering an advancing red infantry unit with MG fire killing a few and freezing the rest.......finally-just east of the factory complex a red engineer platoon was taken under fire and pinned."

It appears Herr "Akula" is also pushing right here...slightly NE of Krupki. Prior to pulling back Diestel radioed in that the previously reported ruski tank battalion is intent on rolling straight up that damned highway...if only I had blown that bridge.....still...he cannot be sure what awaits should he decide to cross the ridgeline.......


"To the south it appears you were correct. Advance elements probing east along the forest road ran into a hidden infantry unit guarding the area....but no armor encountered as the lead platoons vehicles were forced to withdraw under small arms fire......."

That should make Herr "Akula" think a bit. And I do want to hang the commander of the Katyusha's head over my tent for disturbing my rest.....perhaps I can rattle his samovar a bit eh........

Rasputin out cheers
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GEN George Patton
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RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - by Rasputin - 06-24-2006, 08:26 PM

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