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"Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
06-22-2006, 04:36 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Blocking Action at Krupki

Comrade General Diggerovish, sits nervously in his GAZ Jeep gazing up the sealed road to Krupki. Looking resplendant in his pressed uniform and shoulderboards he cuts a contrasting figure to the scruffy looking lot surrounding his Command Post, with the exception of Col. Bogdanovich who still insists on wearing his cavalry uniform. Lucky for him the Commisar was killed in the last engagement and Gen Diggerovish decided not to mention this fact to HQ. One eager Captain who volunteered to do so, in a fit of Communist pride..well he was also killed in the last engagement...

HQ have ordered that Krupki be seized and the fascist invader be driven from the holy soil of mother Russia. General Diggerovish recalls the sweeping hand gesture made in the direction of Krupki, by his Corps commander, who didn't even appear to be looking at the map at the time. Commisar Dottski, a mindless sycophant, provided the name "Krupki".

"Yes Krupki", the Corps Commander stated, "we will smash the fascist there!"

"We could bypass them and drive into their rear" Diggerovish stated, whilst being glared at by Dottski.

"We will smash them head on" was the reply. "Drive up the road with your tanks and destroy them" he roared.

"Yes Comrade General" was the only replay he could manage, there was no point, this man was a glory seeker, determined to become a Hero of the Soviet Union, whatever the cost.

So there he sat sifting through intelligence reports, mainly from fleeing civilians, who indicated that the Germans were in Krupki in strength. Panthers, Tigers, Mark IV's, Jadgpanzers, Infantry, artillery and AA guns, were to be expected. He gazed wearily at the aerial photo taken yesterday...."Smash them head on" wasn't ringing too well in the Generals' ears.

He looked out at the young dirt stained faces of his tankers, he knew very few of these men, so many had died, so many had replaced them. Standing up in his GAZ he delivered his customary pre-battle speech.

"Comrades, today we do battle with the enemy, those that will die are heros, those that will live are heros, so fight well and you will become a hero" For some reason it always seemed to work.

With a final hurrah, his men climbed up into their tanks and the sound of roaring diesal engines and the smell of smoke filled the air. General Diggerovish gazed at the tanks before him, T-34's both old and new and the new Capitalist M-4's, were these enough to conquer the enemy, where was the infantry..."No time for infantry", the Corps Commander had said, "we must strike now". With these thoughts buzzing through his mind he ordered the tanks forward..

Fortunately Diggerovishs' unit has the honour of leading the attack.
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RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - by Digger - 06-22-2006, 04:36 PM

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