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"Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
06-21-2006, 01:31 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Leto Allies, Recruit2112 Axis

Turn 4.

The Soviet version of the Hell's Angels, the "Rolling Babushka's" are completely wiped out by artillery. A German infantry squad got LOS to a road hex where my column had begun to coil for a springlike attack. The germans glee was quickly diminished as a platoon of T-34's dashed through the smoke to assault an engineer squad disrupted by Soviet lend lease .50 cal halftracks.

The ensuing carnage wreaked upon the poor T-34 squad after it bumped into a plethora of panthers and popped its little 76mm at them was simply astonishing. Perhaps unable to see the Russian tanks in the fortified village through all the smoke caused the fire to miss so poorly.

While 2 platoons of panthers, 1 platoon of Tigers and a few Panzer IV's began blasting away, Shermans from the North engaged the Panthers (now from behind) as well as the Tigers (also from behind).

The Soviets desperately plunged shell after shell into the breeches and the enemy tanks were soon silenced. An entire company of Tigers sat wrecked and burning on the plains, 76mm shell holes punched into the sides and rears, while another Company of Panthers limped away in retreat, only 4 disrupted tanks left of the proud 12 that began.

AS the soviets retreated back into the mist and smoke laid down by the 122mm guns, the Red tankers could hear the consternation and intermittant swearing in the guttural tongue of the germans, that could only be translated into "WTF?!?!?"...

Colonel Letov smiled with adoration for his plucky tankers... the Germans had allowed themselves to be flanked, and had paid a tall price. Letov takes out a pen and begins to write down the names of the 3 T-34 tank commanders that had given their lives for the motherland. Their actions lynchpinned the entire attack, and the glory is completely theirs....

The battle far from over, the Soviets hunker down to repel the desperate and ferocious counterattacks that are sure to come...


Allies 256
Axis 57

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RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - by Copper - 06-21-2006, 01:31 PM

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