Tropical in 2D or 3D in RS is not a problem, it shows up. In RS temperate it doesn't show up in any weather 2D and snow weather 3D from what I can see.
In WF no show in NW europe or MED in 2D any weather or 3D snow.
Okay, found the problem, no sides 1 &2D for Med, Tem and NWE terrrain types!! If you placed it on the map, and then selected the hex with the target selection, it would show up as if it is there, so I knew it was a matter of missing files!! How long has this been going on? Here is a zip containing the files, this works in WF and RS, so toss it in there!! Enjoy!!
(01-27-2012, 09:29 AM)Warhorse Wrote: How long has this been going on?
I've known this issue for years, but didn't think it was an issue, at least for me. I use escarpements only as a hex separator to make it impossible for vehicles to traverse but not for infantry (AT ditches etc.) It not being visible in 2d was an advantage for me, as I used it on elevations of the same hex where the gully is the visible part of the AT ditch, but the escarpment doing the job.
(01-28-2012, 03:03 AM)Huib Versloot Wrote: I've known this issue for years, but didn't think it was an issue, at least for me. I use escarpements only as a hex separator to make it impossible for vehicles to traverse but not for infantry (AT ditches etc.) It not being visible in 2d was an advantage for me, as I used it on elevations of the same hex where the gully is the visible part of the AT ditch, but the escarpment doing the job.
It shows up in 2D in your Korean mod and that's a big improvement.
I thought in some (very few) of the new JTCS WF scenarios escarpments show up now and then in the northern Europe terrain. I'll probably down load it there too.